Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

I understand the intention behind the initial change but I found it very weird and unrealistic that my drones would just sit in space and not respond(being on aggressive that is) while getting the crap shot out of them.
Since I’m fairly casual and flying a ship with just two drones I also found myself forgetting about them more often than not which in a combat site with 50 mobs often meant their unfortunate demise and only frustration.
No idea how good or bad it was for miners because I’m not one but in my humble opinion putting them back as they were before is a good decision.

I bet not a single player unsubbed bc of the newer and now reverted drone mechanic.

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Drones, ccp, and I go way beck, I fought to keep drone assist last time they tried to take it away because null was abusing it.

so 2 times every 17 years


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oh hay

CCP actually cared.

So… @Scoots_Choco: are you dead allready?


He might have caught something nasty from all the bootlicking…boots tend to be less than pristine, you know…

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I tried to adapt - then I stopped PVE’ing.
Finally I stopped playng.
I went to other games and even Netflix (that’s how bored I got).

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How many subscription terminations does it take to get the GM brain right?

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You didn’t see the big deep, did you? Let me help you, change the scale to recent 3 month. You will see it. The peak was at around 33k, recent days is at 28k.

I have two omega account, always pay cash to sub and buy plex. I just unsub the day before they announce they will roll back the change. The unsub reason I filled is recent drone change. I guess many players will use their money to voice like me.


Ok, so do you have evidence that this isn’t the usual December drop? I can find a drop of similar amount on the PCU almost every year. Or are you pointing at a 2 week correlation as proof of causation by chance?
Note, it very well could be something other than the December drop, but given the existence of a December drop many previous years, it calls it into question.

There is no usual December drop. Per your question , I check the online player count in Dec from past a few years (back to 2015). Usually Dec has higher online player count than mid of the year, and it will last to Jan of next year. The online player count will climb up starting from Oct till Jan.

While this year, it has even lower online player count than Jun, July, Aug after the patch. If you still don’t believe it. We can wait for serval days before they roll back the change. I guess You will see recent days is with the lowest online player count. Hope people will come back after they roll back the change.

But I still think it still takes several months for EVE to recover from this hit. Players’ are draw away from EVE, many of them will not be back for ever. Especially, there are so many big title game get released, like WOW 9.0, Cyberpunk 2077, etc. The low online player count will last for a while.

That’s another very likely reason for a drop in PCU that has nothing to do with CCP’s changes.
Congratulations on further ruining your own claims regarding PCU and the Drone update.

As for people never being back, frankly I find it hard to shed any tears over someone rage quitting over a balance update without even trying to adapt.


You can believe what ever you want even with so many number out there. There are big title games released every Dec in past years. No one care about your tears. People leave the game when its not fun and not worth their time. When CCP roll back the change in 2 days after it release, they already admit the fact the change is a disaster, no mater financially or gameplay wise. You words of defending the good of their original updates is pale.

Player don’t need to adapt. Players leave. Maybe CCP is the one needs to adapt or they will die soon.


0 to 100 here.
CCP saying ‘Hey, it had a consequence we didn’t intend, and we don’t like so we are reversing it’ is not a disaster. It’s CCP showing good practice and the ability to be flexible.
Using hyperbole like that just weakens anything of value you do say alongside it, because it creates (intentional or not) the impression that you just want to abuse CCP rather than provide constructive feedback.


Clearly CCP changed it because it was too good and they felt sorry for the krabs.

Must be the only reason.


No no, it has to be that because I feel it in my left big toe


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thanks for not slapping alot of active players in the face.

Hello, a new player with an Alpha clone here; i just started playing a couple of days before the drone change. I wanted to reply about the changed drone behaviour earlier, but since you’ve already changed it back again, i’ll reply now.

As a new player just figuring out the basics and learning basic mining operations, i had enough on my plate already, so drones auto-attacking any approaching Serpentis NPC’s was very welcome.

After you changed it so that the drones didn’t auto-attack them anymore, the added micromanagement didn’t do anything positive for a new player like me. Granted, expirienced players who already have all the keyboard shortcuts memorised for years probably didn’t mind the change as much, but for newbs drones auto-attacking hostiles is a helpful thing.

I’m happy that you now changed it back and i hope you’ll leave it like this, at least for our sake :slight_smile:

If that is what you understand for “BETTER” then I can’t help you.

this is great, thank you ccp!!! you are listening to the players.

please keep the drones like that, i love to watch some movies and play the game.

why you cant limit the number of alts logged in? max of 3… max of 5…
you can know when i try to loggin a alpha but not multiple omegas? is that easy, dont need to change sheet in game, the game is perfect, just fix the botters and we all happy


As someone who was a new player once, I would recommend learning to use your Drones on manual more.

You have greater control of dps and aggro, you can pull them back quickly when they are in trouble and, if you are using a drone boat, taking care of your primary weapon system.

Autodrone is like Autopilot, a good way to end up costing you big in future.

Theres no super special short cuts, its quite easy to do, and you will lose less drones with it.