Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

F :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think you’ll find that the very few drone-based ships still ratting will have them still since they’ll only be the botters.

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yeah, sure whatever. enjoy your fantasy world.

Mining isn’t an AFK activity - you need to be aware of your surroundings - are gankers coming to get you? Have Rats warped in which can easily kill a solo Mining Barge etc. You have to change rocks when one gets depleted etc. What’s the problem unless you are botting and, if you are, you should be kicked out of the game.

PI, on the other hand, is an AFK sport apart from picking up your PI Products. Maybe reintroduce DUST or similar to emulate the warfare on the surface of the planet?

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Mining is super afkable. You join the rorq fleet and afk on rocks with comms turned on or with an intel service running which will ping you when someone reports something nearby. This is a very juvenile understanding of how mining works in nullsec.

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nullsec mining in 2020 kek

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For me every time I seem to find someway of making isk barrable. CCP seems go na na na I’m sorry we can’t allow that. I appreciate the fact we are getting updates and changes but if you do ratting or mining for your isk making to fund pvp. I can see alot of people getting turned off with the recent changes. My small time production of ships to use for myself is gone and it seems my way of making isk is slowly going aswell. Looks like PI and moongoo and abyssal running is going to be my new money making until they get the nerf hammer


Excellent change. Less AFKable content means more opportunities for people who actually play the game.

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More nerf plz, rly good news, eve close for end like as never

2020 was a ■■■■ year.

But for eve, it’s been the best in a while.


Wrong. Guristas rats do not use old mechanics. You can lock them up if they jam you.

i do think multibox ratting as I do is “engaging” enough. i’ll now sriously consider unsubbing my secondary accounts.

This change makes ratting a clickfest.

EDIT: what about super ratting and Fighters? will that be affected as well by this change?

It’s almost like it de-incentivizes real players and incentivizes bots…

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Keep it up CCP.


maybe CCP hopes you buy more PLEX.


Where does the ISK to fund PLEX buy orders come from?

They’ve already followed this rule since they were introduced. You need to manually control fighters, after they kill their targets, they’ll sit idle until the next engage command is issued. (this is why beginner carrier players lose fighters as their flights just sit still taking damage from rats).

im talking real money to buy plex. shouldv made that clear. sry

And what are you going to do with that PLEX?

CCP: Maybe instead of making all of these changes to EVE gameplay which upsets the loyal player base and fix the servers!!!???!!!???!!!???

Auto targeting missile need to reload very frequently. Nothing like drones who can clear a whole room without doing anything… so they probably won’t be touch since their damage is already susbtantially lower than normal missiles (which is not the case for drones) and they need player input already.

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