ok. There are people who cannot be helped. wtf
This will have ZERO impact on botting. Bots already read game memory and issuing an attack command to a target is trivial.
Another Crap move by CCP Great!
And why do you think this is done only becuase bots?
It is done because half a decate of only using drone ships in anomalies it is a bit boring … maybe
This feels like CCP didn’t really think this through, consequences will be broad and they are in for a helluva surprise in their next few querterly reports. This change will hit everyone in eve, not just the people that “afk” rat (or the bots). It is going to be a chain reaction especially combined with mining changes. Thing is, their solution is not fixing any problems, it is just going to create more. It feels like they are hoping that there will be more people using their credit cards to fund their ships and alt accounts. Maybe they have some optimistic projections (i’d really like to see that). I don’t think it is going to happen from majority of players. I for one know that i’m not going to pay for more than 2 subbed accounts (out of princeples). And i will never buy plex for $$. Princeples. I don’t like to spend real hard earned cash on virtual one that has no real value outside the game where you can lose it in a heartbeat by just disconnecting. It is wasteful. I might as well do drugs and have some real fun with that hard earned money or donate to feed some kids or to support local dog shelter. That actually gives me satisfaction. We are not kids and eve is not fortnite. When i’m activelly playing, i use 5-6 accounts (2 paying with real cash, other plexing with isk - and again, that PLEX SOMEBODY PAYED FOR WITH REAL CASH). And that is nothing compared to a lot of other people. That extractor i’m using on my alts? Somebody created it by paying for sub/plex/mct and extractors. Either by real cash, or with plex (that again, somebody payed for with real hard cash). Also, for sure i’m not gonna undock same ships i do now. Isk will be harder to come by, minerals are harder to come by (less isk for ships that are getting more expensive on a daily basis). I might as well not undock and take fights as i do now, especially the ones that are not favorable for me / my group. So… blueballing. With the mining changes and the ratting changes (including drone aggression), what will be the point of null? Building cap ships? To sell them to whom? To be used for what? And where? You don’t care and this makes you happy as you do exploration for isk and null will be ‘safer’ to farm? Okay, that mats are used for what exactly? And by whom? That PI you are doing? LP from the missions you are running? It is all connected.
If they wan’t to do something properly in eve, they need to make new systems from scratch. Otherwise they are going to be hurting and will probably be reverting the changes in the next 3-12 months, like with the blackout. Wasted time, wasted money.
I don’t think its against botters… it will have zero impact against botters. Its just going to change that play style for real players … which unfortunately are who I hunt. Bots win again
Well, I guess you can go ahead and remove the “focus fire” feature that doesn’t work anyway.
Can we get some actual hotkeys for splitting drones to different targets? That would be a nice quality of life change. The only way to do it right now is by clicking targets and then using the context menu on each individual drone. It’s painful.
just like they just released a 15% off plex sale… FML CCP will never learn until they are left with only botters but hey that may be their way to identify who is a botter.
I seriously think everyone should quit eve for a few months and when they see who funds them go away for a few months I think they will fix some things!
A better solution would be to add a mini-nsa high slot module that uses cap and that allows drones to ago npcs but keeps you from warping out of a site for like 5 minutes after you deactivate it.
@Nox_Kouvo was asking for a Captcha, here you go
It’s like people are so used to the status quo that they can’t take a step back and see the forest through the trees.
Is it really good game design to have veteran players mostly AFKing multiple accounts as a normal thing in your game? If you were looking in from the outside, you would conclude that no, it isn’t especially a good situation for your game to be so easy/low APM that so many players multibox their way to riches, consuming much of the PLEX off the market and keeping it out of the hands of other individuals to feed their multibox farms.
This is long overdue. Yes, it would be nice if there are some other changes coming to make nullsec PvE more engaging and rewarding, but the entitlement here that it is somehow that the AFK drone meta is somehow a good situation that needs to be preserved (“muh ISKies!”) is alarming. Sure, change is hard, and even harder when something has been the norm for so long, but CCP is finally starting the process of gettin rid of this low-content, AFK multiboxing resource generation meta and we should applaud them.
Effort, skill and risk should determine ISK rewards, not the number of clients your computer can run while you watch Netflix.
Wait… waitwaitwait. How damping leshaks in abyss supposed to work with this?
Right freaking now im having three blinding moving away in FUN AND ENGAGING SPEED CLOUD©. With 3 neuting ones in grid. What am I supposed to do without drone auto aggro???
What do you do in Eve? Where do you live in EvE (hisec/low/null/wh)? I’m asking so i can formulate my answer so we can better understand each other.
Pochven right now.
I am not sure how that is relevant to the discussion though. The same principle applies everywhere and is one CCP is actively pursuing - rewards should come from activity. Whether it highsec, nullsec or a Trig-space, it’s just bad game design to allow easily scalable ISK generation. They have been changing how things work everywhere, and will continue to.
hahaha yeah even better
@CCP_Paradox Is this going to affect assisted drones triggered against an NPC with a weapon of some sort?
I didn’t realize how many lazy people there where in eve until this forum post. Maybe people will start realizing that drones are actually the slowest clear times for anoms and if they learn to fly their ships they can clear much faster.