CCP, you are such a disappointment. This is another manifestation of your short-sighted arrogance and selfish narcissism.
Countless times, when using a gunboat like a Talos or Dominix, I have jumped into missions and been damped and scrammed by NPCs. Unable to warp out or target NPCs, I used my drones, set to aggressive, to save the ship. They were the only option available. Now you want to take that away?!
This is not about balancing, this is about another nerf to ratting and ratting income.
@CCP_Hellmar , we remember when you played Eve at “near addiction levels” for 6 months, and were profoundly encouraged and given hope that you would actually be empathic for the players and understand the game better. We felt like we could trust CCP with our play time and sub fees.
However, ever since you became Pearl Abyss’s little poodle, you have fallen far out of touch. The incredible arrogance that we saw with the blackout was just the beginning. But you didn’t learn from that, until player count literally dropped off a cliff.
Your hubris has continued, with a string of destructive nerfs, first to mining. Then came the madness of the dynamic bounty system, supposedly to encourage players to spread out, even though, per the laws of null, we are supposed to strengthen the ADM of, and live in, systems we hold. The ESS was another blow to the “sandbox where players determine the outcome” as nobody wanted it, and it made ratting more of a chore than a fun activity to run a couple of times every day.
Your meddling in the behavior of drones is yet another confirmation of how disconnected you are with your player base. We all know why you really did this; you’re tired of seeing Ishtars ratting successfully and pulling in good ratting bounties. This isn’t about PVP, this is about your overlords telling you to cut down on player revenue so that we will have to buy plex to fund our play.
As the price of ships has skyrocketed after the nerfs to mining, your Pearl Abyss owners have assured you that the players will start buying more plex to buy ships, rather than face what has become a mindless and numbing grind to make isk. This nerf to drone ratting just confirms this.
But you didn’t think it through. The reality is that we NEED to be able to use drone aggression against NPCs to counter EWar. You merely bent over, wagged your tail and licked the hand of PA once again.
@CCP_Hellmar , STOP being Pearl Abyss’s little bitch. Reach down and find your balls and stop ruining PVE in this game.
There will be many butthurt PVE-haters who love the idea of making drones more difficult for PVE, but their opinions don’t matter. The PVE playstyle has been nerfed into oblivion. FFS, CCP, turn this around before your PVE players all leave.