Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

Sorry, didn’t read all 6oo previous posts, but has anyone brought up the idea that part of CCP’s reasoning was to make drone use in larger battles less popular? If they can reduce the TiDi through less server work sans drones, then they can encourage more headline grabbing battles for the free marketing. While not the main or even major reason, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind removing or reducing a weapon system known to induce TiDi.

Salvage drones no longer auto salvage your wrecks. They used to but you had to manually target abandoned & other people’s wrecks.

Why use an actual salvager when I’m out mining in a barge with no slots for it?

The point here is CCP is dumb and crippled salvage drones for some dumb reason.

No, because this change has zero impact on that. It literally says that PvP drone usage is unchanged.

It has anything to do with it. They are removing auto drone aggro on NPCs, not against players.

And drones in big fleet fights tend to get assigned to drone bunnies anyways.

Before CCP went into heat again, those were used to not only rat, but also mine and do PI. With my playtime and playstyle, they still won’t get me enough for PLEX, but hey, I wasn’t intending to - if my purpose in eve was to be the richest krabber ever, I’d go join a bloc and krab in a super somewhere in super safe space.
I had ticks significantly higher than 20mil on my main, while extra accs were generating little extra something going around in drone boats. Well, not anymore, new CCP direction is you bot or you die.

Ah so you are against a guy multibox 15 accounts?

Tip: use mining drones.

They bring much better profit than salvaging the random wrecks of NPCs.

It was free in Epic game store few days ago, probably still is…

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Buying plex with RL $$ was my point

And I rest my case, announce drone changes, then have a plex sale.

I asked about the salvage drones.

They will continue to work as they have in the past.



Ok, so what are you going to do with that?
Sell it on the Market and exchange it for ISK?

Then where is that ISK coming from if not ISK Faucets, i.e. krabbing.

If you’re freaking out that this is going to kill krabbing, then the ISK faucets will dry up and there won’t be ISK to fund PLEX orders on the market. So even if you buy PLEX with $$$, you won’t be able to sell it since there won’t be Buy Orders available. If you list them as Sell Orders, people won’t have the ISK to buy from those either.

Do you actually think about the things you’re say, or are you just outraged because you want to feel offended?

It is when you can see it coming. The problem isn’t the unintended consequences, it’s the ones they should be able to see, but can’t because they don’t understand the kind of player they are developing for.

Personally, I’m going to be ok for a while, my ratting alts are already skilled for both smart bomb ratting and FoF missile Ravens (until they nerf those, which they will). Hell, I no get to extract skill points from my two ishtar alts for some quick cash.

The positive consequences will probably be (for me) higher sell prices for deadspace gear (fewer ratters mean fewer escalations) and the isk I make will be more valuable as less people making isk means each isk I make has a higher value. All that is cool but all of this is STILL stupid.

This change means fewer targets in space, the few that are their are paying attention and probably MJD fit ready to run, and once people figure out the new (old) styles of clearing anoms (smart bombs, FoF missles ect), the isk generation will be right back where it started.

CCP hasn’t learned that you don’t get anywhere just nerfing things. Some of their greatest successes have come from making things FUN instead of just nerfing things till no one does it. Their last few changes have been so wrong headed I’m wondering if CCP somehow quietly lost another batch of their experienced people to Riot games again or something.

I thought with the abyssal stuff (anti-drone towers, random spawns and such) CCP had learned something that would be applied to anoms. They haven’t.

Be useful and not a goonie for once in your life, man up, and tell them exactly what they deserve to hear, in language they deserve to hear it, that they are ■■■■.
Then again, you should tell that yourself as well…

So are rats going to give more ISK now since it will be now considered “engaging” gameplay? Lol.

Why would they?

I target my drones most of the time myself anyway, but this makes it that much more work for my weak and tired hands and arms. But then again, I cancelled my subscriptions over ore changes already, so there’s that. :slight_smile:

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This has absolutely no effect on bots, this 100% is about making it harder and harder to make isk in this game. At the current rate you almost need to rat for 15 hours a day just to plex an account.

Thank God I just bought ED

So you got ED? :innocent:

You just bought Erectile Dysfunction? I thought that was free …


I know what you mean, I just got restarted Elite:Dangeous too. But I’m not leaving EVE.

I’ve learned that the real game isn’t PVP. It isn’t PVE either. It’s PvCCP,

Can you survive CCPs every attempt to ruin their own game? Only time will tell lol.