Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

Why are you so jealous of multiboxers, just because you can’t afford to pay more omega accounts doesn’t mean multiboxers are bad. From your toxicity, I assume they did hurt your feelings somehow. Hmm. Get hour overtime and you can get a second account as well buddy.

Then grab some friends and kill them, restock, repeat, no need to use CCP cannon to do that

The point is not to kill them, kid. You haven’t been paying attention at all if that’s what you think is the point.

The point is to make it require more effort to krab mindlessly and thus reduce the isk faucet in nullsec.

Hmm ok - can they do something to help miners though. Locking up rats in an orca takes longer than mining the belt and it sucks if you have to drop lock on rocks to defend yourself. I’m guessing miners aren’t the intended victim of this nerf but they will suffer.

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You can suck it up and wait the 30 seconds to lock a rat. You don’t need handouts from CCP to do that.

For the fifth time: multiboxers are paying subs. Spending 40 hours a month ratting for plex with a drone boat for every account was not humanely possible for anyone with a semblance of life.

The ones buying all the PLEX are BOTS. BOTS are buffed by this change. PLEX prices will grow thanks to that.

I never used stabs on my drone boats and had to target occasional non-aggro rats anyway. Nerf the control range on stabs, mission accomplished, but no, gotta ■■■■ abyssals, L4s, and all the sub-paying multiboxers, for what? God only knows, but idiots seem happy.

I know exactly what the point is. You talk about eve must be harsh and stuff but only for others, you want eve easy mode for yourselves xD

Then having to be actively at your PC playing the game to select targets changes nothing. This change only matters if you are AFK (or giving so little attention to the game that you’re AFK in all but name).

It changes all, as make life of active players harder for no reason. Said bots won’t be affected by this.

Then why’d you bring up the completely unrelated and irrelevant issue of killing multiboxers in game through PvP?

Well that’s certainly an impressive way to demolish your own credibility.

Because it’s terrible game design. The game is far more interesting when you have a single character and have to deal with the consequences of your actions, work together with other players to achieve your goals, etc.

Get hour overtime and you can get a second account as well buddy.

Hint for the clueless: I could buy 100 additional accounts if I wanted to. Multiboxing still sucks.

PS: if you’re paying cash to multibox farm you’re an idiot. If your farm isn’t producing enough ISK to PLEX every account then you’re better off buying PLEX with cash and selling it for ISK.

It really doesn’t. Ships that use missiles or guns have to manually select targets and I don’t see any of the players that use them whining about how unfair it is that they can’t just warp in, go AFK to watch a movie, and come back to a full wallet.

500x plex currently sells for 1b 450mil in Jita
1450 / 40 is 36.25
So you say you drone boat is making less then 40 mil isk an hour… I guess that’s why you wrote before that people in High sec make more isk …
What a waste!!! You should try targeting the rats and using the attack command …

Why wont they add new/more/harder content that promotes active gameplay rather than messing up the current mechanics?

If they aren’t AFK, they can simply press F, can’t they?

When I was testing out cheap drone boat fits in the test server, I was watching youtube on another monitor and pressing F whenever I saw that a rat had died.

Why was I pressing F?

To keep my drones on bigger ships, which they could apply their damage better, while I killed frigates and destroyers with light missiles.

This change does not affect the people who are at their keyboard, but are semi-AFK, watching something on another screen or doing stuff on another client, while keeping the bare mining attention possible to their ratting and local.

It literally only affects people who are either completely away from the keyboard, or not paying attention at all to their ratting ship(s).

14-16 million ISK ticks 3 times an hour, at 13.5% corp tax, minus warp time, is less than 40 mil ISK an hour. Unless you’re in gurista bot space, you’re not getting more than that.

I am targeting the rats on my main, was getting better ticks, but then MESS reduced it by 50% and I no longer rat anyway, because it’s literally lower than salvaging now.

Which you could’ve known if you could read.

Doesn’t this cause a delay in engagement since you have to lock targets before hand… I guess a (perceived positive) is that you don’t get free “target slots”.

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Yep. My thoughts exactly… they need to add a bonus to Orca scan resolution now… takes a week to lock on to a npc rat. In ANY mining ship… Now that Drones wont auto defend you… now you have to lock on to less asteroids, and keep slots open to target the rats when they show… a week later… you’re safe.

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Ask your CEO to reduce the tax rate or find a better corp?
I’m taxed at 21% and I’m not whining over this.

It’s not reduced by 50%. It’s reduce by like 3% that goes into the Reserve Bank and the portion in the Main Bank gets paid out every 3 hours.

It’s irrelevant after MESS because ratting is dead.

It was reduced by more than 50% after the first ADM fleet. Main bank payouts are not even considered because you either lose them, or lose even more with ships lost trying to protect the unprotectable MESS, so 50% is best case scenario.

Anything bellow 20 mil a tick is a waste of time.
You might as well spend the money you pay for those extra accounts on plex and sell it :slight_smile: