Upcoming Changes to Drone Aggression

The amount of morons happy with a buff to botting is staggering.

If you want eve that is overrun with bots, just go to Serenity already.

Then this change is completely irrelevant. If you are actively at your PC playing the game then having to manually target your drones is a trivial task.

Third, it heavily buffs bots that do not depend on it.

It really doesn’t. At best it does nothing to change bots, and the removal of AFK options makes it easier for CCP to flag and remove bots.

I don’t have to spin anything. This scenario exists only in your delusions, there’s nothing to say besides “nope”.

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No mate , not talking about plexing the account, but buying Plex from CCP store and selling for isk

Horrible change. Huge indirect nerf to Drone boats. Reconsidering whether or not to resub my 3 accounts at the end of december now.

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Except that’s not how it works. If there are too many people trying to turn PLEX into ISK then the price of PLEX goes down, but that decrease in price makes paying for omega time with ISK more appealing and pushes people who wouldn’t normally do it to go farm for ISK and buy PLEX. Eventually things settle into an equilibrium again.

(And TBH it would be a good thing if RMTing of all forms, PLEX included, died. I just don’t think it will happen.)

And where do you think that ISK comes from?

[Insert random memo for core game play change here]
CCP development team continues to demonstrate their extremely narrow vision of how their game is to be played.

Ratting was already dead after MESS. It’s mostly killing ewar L4 runners and makes ewar NPCs in abyssals OP.

Show me. Get 3 accs out and start targeting your drones on 3 separate sites. Do it until you’re at level 5 military ADM. If you aren’t puking by the time you’re done, I’ll consider it your win.
But you’ll never do that, because all you can do is pretend to be a genius troll while everyone is facepalming from how retarded you are.

And no, it’s far far far from trivial. I find it unbearable.

Wrong again.
It changes nothing to bots because they do not depend on drone aggro mechanics. That’s how they outfarmed players. That’s why this change nerfs players and buffs bots, and doesn’t change a thing in flagging, because they don’t use mechanics in question.

Check PLEX market. They already sell a ship pack, stupid idiot.

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For now from ratting, mining, etc. In the near future? Only God knows , as CCP is killing all pve activities.


I have been training clearing lvl4 missions in Caldari space for the past month using a Barghest, and came through various Guristas and Serpentis missions.

I had no trobule clearing E-WAR priority targets first and keeping attention on spawn triggers, and when I actually got jammed or dampened, I simply targeted the ship ECMing me and killed it with drones if it was a frigate, as I always kept them on passive to avoid killing triggers by mistake.

As long as you manage aggro and spawns, you should never have any issues with permajamming, especially when dealing with priority targets properly.

Is my experience voided because Iw asn’t using a drone boat?

Nope, because you can still lock and target ECMing ships all the same, while taking care of priority targets, aggro and etc.

Oh noes, what will we ever do if multiboxing becomes more difficult.

Hint: I hate multiboxing and your whining about how difficult it is to multibox is beautiful music.

That’s why this change nerfs players and buffs bots, and doesn’t change a thing in flagging, because they don’t use mechanics in question.

Ok, obviously you’re not smart enough to get it the first time so let me explain it more directly:

Before this change it is possible to spend long amounts of time PvE farming as a “legitimate” player because drone auto-aggro allows you to farm with minimal attention invested. Play time alone is not a clear flag so it’s harder to identify the bots.

After this change legitimate players can’t multibox PvE farming for hour after hour after hour, and it’s much more likely that a flag on this behavior leads to a bot (which can then be banned).

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Nope. CCP is killing PvE for EVE’s dumbest players. The smart players are adapting and continuing to profit while the dumb players whine on the forums about how their menial grind is too difficult now.

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Ohh, that’s juicy.

Could you please link me to the proof that CCP is actively manipulating NPC buy orders to affect the market?

I’ll biomass my chars and go play something else if that’s true. :slight_smile:

It’s almost as if to keep ADM up it requires more than a single player. :thinking:


Lie , and a stupid argument, as you are assuming everyone is a bot or RMT or whatever. Many use PVE to fund other activities, like your beloved PvP.


And guess what: they can keep doing it. The only people getting nerfed are the people who can’t cope with any PvE that isn’t a menial grind, preferably one that can be AFK multiboxed for maximum efficiency. CCP has finally realized that they need to clean the trash out of their game, and judging by the sheer whining happening in this thread they’re doing a good job of it.

So all the AFK ratters will stop there multiple afk ratting accounts and will no longer need to buy plex for them…
What will happen to the plex prices?
Is this bad ?

I am just happy that nerds will no longer put warp core stabs on drone ships, as they now need to lock stuff

Easiest unsub in my life lol.


This will only empower botters even more, while destroying actual players’ quality of life.

Thank you a lot CCP.


This change does not prevent you from using PvE.

What it does is work to hinder people who have entire armies of alts mindlessly crabbing in Anomalies for hours. In the same way reducing Ore volumes in rocks hindered people who spammed dozens of Rorquals (who could originally AFK on a rock for 2-3 hours at a time with no input), because smaller rocks popped faster and required people to reposition more often.

Assumption again… not all do it while AFK… stop making assumptions AGAIN

also, why so much hate ? witch ratter broke your heart?