Bots are created for a purpose. As selfish as it may be, their existence is to execute that purpose with a balance of effectiveness and efficiency. When they achieve this basic perfection of purpose, can their joy or fulfilment be matched by any of our timewasting activities? Do not doubt their “fun”. They exist on a different level. There is no min/max. There just is.
In 15 years of EVE, I’ve never seen such a big fat CCP xmas gift to bots or ISK sellers.
But how can they buy expensive T2 modules, T2 rigs and a ship (could often reach 70m in total) and give you a good fight when they don’t have that much money to spare?
(note: mining and ratting has been nerfed recently and modules and ship prices radically increase, especially T1 ships that die the most often)
One of the comments there:
Yeah lol. Lots of drunkenness and “let’s attack it lolz” followed up with “oh we did a good bit of damage, I wonder if we can actually do this”.
Good fun on both sides. Everyone got to blap things.
People seem to forget you can go out and have fun in inexpensive ships.
see, krabbing (farming, productive stuff) and PVP (destructive stuff) are simply 2 sides of the same thing: economy. Without krabbing, people wouldn’t go and enjoy PVP, because they can’t afford the ship. Without PVP, krabbing would lose its point(a large portion of it). The cycle of krab-destroy-krab again continues, and if we accelerate the cycle through increased krabbing, more people would afford the cheap PVP ships, therefore enjoying PVP.
Also, even a T1 thrasher/ T1 frigate with T2 fitting( basic fitting to win a fight, t2 guns, T2 resists and repairers) costs 10m+. If I use T2 ammo and faction ammo and stuff my inventory with 1500 rounds like all players do, the costs would further increase, and I would Still be getting frigate/destroyer kills only.
If I want good kills, I would need something larger that costs 220m+ with T2 cruisers Being the cheapest, and I would have to Rat for 2 hours in null if I am using a supercarrier(before DBS and ess change), and I would often lose the ship because going through stargates is dangerous in null and low sec. Running in nullsec and lowsec is time consuming, and given that the play time is limited, if I don’t return and krab some more, I wouldn’t have that same cruiser for week 2, or 3, because I had to keep a set amount of money in case any bad things happen. That’s for a veteran Omega account, so I’m guessing Alphas and new Omegas suffer from this more.
Can you also modify the aggro that drones get from NPC?
Right now it’s bugged and i reported it several times over and over again, and I’m being ignored.
Most of NPC ignores drones if your in Battlecruiser or smaller, but if your in the Battleship, they aggro drones first instead of ships in some waves.
For example last wave in open sanctum.
They always target drones first.
I’m okay with this change, but please fix the aggro that drones get instead of ships.
Right now with this change, drones should not be agroed on wave spawn or not at all in most cases.
It’s topic that CCP left to be for way too long.
recall drones and send them out again?
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Thank you!
I was just stating the obvious:
Bots are better than humans at repetitive, low-income, entry level and boring no-brainer tasks over and over again = ratting PVE.
The more CCP push PVE into this direction, the more bots will benefits: players will just switch or rely to soemthing else to make ISKs.
How does that make sense?
They aren’t pushing PvE in that direction.
Look at all the PvE they have made recently which isn’t boring or repetitive.
What they are doing is closing off a loophole in drone aggressive mode that allowed players to press one or two buttons and leave things to play themselves for the next 15 minutes. And that is all this change is meant to do.
It doesn’t make sense is how.
Which is what, exactly?
Burners? Resource wars? Diamond rats? Abysshit? FOBs? And the crown jewel, the EDENCOM…
How is any of those not boring or repetitive?
ED: Forgot about the absolute genius pve piece of nullsec drifters. That was especially anticlimatic. If I ever wondered about the reason CCP can’t make decent PvE, those made it painfully obvious that they are simply not qualified to - if their best attempt looked like that.
And yet you are complaing constantly when they modify it in any way at all.
Which means you consume it and complain anyway.
Which means you are just complaining to have someone to talk to.
The leaps of logic there are a true feat of twisting.
First of all, I don’t complain if a change is good or at least neutral. If I seem to complain a lot lately, well, that’s because changes were downright fuckery, not because I like complaining.
Secondly, every time CCP does faux pas and pisses me off with a change that misses the mark so hard they have to downplay it later, I ensure they feel it by not subbing for 3-6 months (though Electronic Arts era so far makes me wonder if they learned anything at all, and perhaps need a longer abstention from my wallet’s contents for their own good).
Thirdly, I hardly did any of those. Abysshit was never possible for me to begin with, because between CCP servers, internet in my area, and my lifestyle, there won’t be such a luxury as 15 minutes without interruption, and you need more than 15 minutes to make a profit out of it… and, let’s put it straight, the pressure of possibility of a massive setback on an internet hickup or a sudden emergency irl, is not for me. Tried a few burners, lost a few ships there, got ■■■■ drops, long, boring, unprofitable, to hell with it. FOBs are really monotonous, diamond rats aren’t profitable, tried to shoot triglavians once only to get my loot stolen by some ass in a cloaky every time before I could shoot him, never returned, and don’t even get me started on resource wars. As for ratting, since I had to drop capital ratting earlier this year, I made 2.5bil ISK, which is just one dread’s worth, and absolute peanuts overall. Mining got me more, before CCP removed it.
So, I’d love to ask, where is that pve I’m “consuming”?
Then what are you complaining about if you arent doing any of it?
Because I’d love to do some fun and engaging PvE content for my PvP ISK, IF THERE WAS ANY.
Which there isnt, by your view, and there never has been.
What would you consider fun and engaging?
I mean, I dont disagree that pretty much all activities in space are very dull, but I very much doubt youd hold back your complaints if they introduced some kind of exciting, fast paced interesting content that only netted you a mill an hour.