Upcoming Changes to Pochven

Good to see that at least one of the major concerns crippling life in Pochven is getting addressed.

Are there any plans to address structure functionality in Pochven, even if it’s just a vague “we are talking about it internally on what to do about that.” The balance of power is insanely lopsided and actively hostile to life in Pochven and the inability to replace structures when the people assaulting it can indefinitely makes any sort of life or loyalty to the Triglavians pretty much doomed. It kills an entire faction by barring Trig players from having any of the basic advantages other factions get upfront and take for granted.

Please, I’m begging you, for the sake of my own sanity can we get an answer on this so I at least know how we should set our expectations as players for the region.


I take offense to you saying these are small updates, people have been begging for these changes for so long now. If they’re small changes why did it take so long ?

As a pochven resident this is huuuuuge.

Edit: now please take some of the isk pay outs and spread it around.

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Give me the ability to get dual positive standings without having to be in pochven and deal with the level of stupid present there. The lack of dual positives affects people who live in k-space the most, especially those who now have to deal with how the invasion ripped apart certain sections of FW lowsec.

Pochven krabs don’t need it. It doesn’t benefit them. All it really means is that they didn’t actually face any “consequences” for siding with an invading group in the invasion chapter, or constantly farming edencom dreads. Christ all K-space content just got vacuumed up and thrown into pochven for people to turbokrab with.

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Would it make sense to implement a 5.0 corp standing with Triglav or Edencom to anchor structures in their respective systems?

Maybe add 6.0 corp standing and they’ll deploy a small (potentially scaling with further standing), immediate response fleet if your structure shield gets attacked.

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And what would the point of this be in Edencom systems, exactly?


its wasnt unmolested, you can kill them on gates, in sites, while travelling. you [the seagulls] just pick the no risk method. now if you want to molest us, bring an actual figthing ship. but they [the seagulls] will just leave cause they arent the type to work for things


@CCP_Paradox Will the Flashpoint reward changes extend to the Accelerator flashpoint version of the site we see in Fortress systems?


Yes, we are talking about it and working on improvements. No specifics for you yet but since you said a vague answer is okay I’m happy to give one :slight_smile:


You’ve made my week, thanks for the notice!

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I remember some things about drone-related hacking sites popping up on hoboleaks a while back, as well as higher end sites. Any chance we will be seeing those introduced anytime soon?

Issue is, the people who are willing to contest you, will just absolutely destroy you in order to get at the region, the last thing the Pochven residents want is to come under the thumb of the big blue donut, because if changes are made like this you’ll just encourage them to come visiting and then the region loses literally all its value to anyone not in the donut

This places a block on holding corps anchoring ‘new’ structures in Edencom systems that don’t hold above 5.0 positive Edencom standings.

There’s also the suggested benefit of Edencom sending response fleets to defend structures in the event of war declarations.

As you’re vaguely commenting on things, @CCP_Rise , would it be possible to ask for a comment on the pro-Edencom reward situation? Are we included somehow in these talks you’re having?


The amount of Isk per site needs to be lowered, or a 60-90min respawn timer added for the dread site.

Without that, the amount of pure ISK will be insane for those 27 systems.


Gonna withhold final judgment until we get more details from sisi, but this looks to me like a step in the right direction.

Hopefully this means that observatory flashpoints will become a conflict generator again. Certainly that isk is worth fighting over.

Seagulling is a stupid mechanic. This is a good change. Means more fleets willing to run them and more juicy targets to kill.


One thing i’d very much like further detail on is the roaming npc changes

Does this mean these fleets will be limited to only the aforementioned locations, or simply weighted?
Will rogue drones and drifters will roam to other wormholes? Or will they simply stay put and ramp up there? Can trig positives safely travel the region’s gates and stations with impunity barring other player intervention? When you say edencom will warp to sites, does that include only the sites they currently already in the eligible list for npc warps (mining, observatory, stellar fleet) or will they also warp to other anomalies? Are the npcs spawning on each wormhole changed in any way? Can you still farm infinite trigs safely in hisec?


Sure, which attracts the big boys to the playground, guess i should get ready to have to deal with lots of camps :stuck_out_tongue:

The site payout change is good. That one seems like a no-brainer good fix. So good on that.

I’m not sure I really like this one, though. The NPC on NPC fights are part of the ‘coolness’ of the region. This could also lead to even more weird behavior like where a gate is on grid with a planet and the EDENCOM land on the planet and the Trigs land on the gate and they slowboat a billion kilometers after one another.


they already do boat at each other, in that scenario, but im wondering about the implications on whether this means you could see rogue drones and drifters escalating the other wormholes by fighting each other/edencom