Hi CSM members, such as @Mike_Azariah and @Brisc_Rubal.
It’s been a week since the Triglavian’s stole 27 systems and created their new pseudo-region of Pochven. While I think there were a few unintended quirks the first few days, it’s been long enough to review the current content and provide some constructive feedback to CCP from the player perspective. Of course, this perspective is one of an outsider so it’s possible these concerns are temporary and will be addressed in short order with planned or delayed new content, but regardless, I will provide some feedback.
So first, I would like to say the the idea of a harder, more dynamic space for smaller groups - one of the apparent goals of Pochven - is one right up my alley. It’s a player cohort poorly served by the current sectors of New Eden and to experience it, our small corp stashed a scanning alt before the patch, and immediately moved into one of the border systems to experience how a new entrant might experience living and progressing in the new area. We did have very slightly positive Trig standings from some dabbling in the Invasions, but basically are starting from scratch.
So far, here are the major issues as I see them from our experience:
The standing grind is far too onerous: I think this feedback has been provided (and yelled) at CCP in many other places so I won’t dwell on this too much. But by my calculation it will take me about 100 hours of playtime to reach a standing of 1 and be even able to access a second system, and then if I efficiently use both systems it will take another 100 hours to reach a standing of 3.0 and be able to move around the region. That is too long to “live” in a space without access to refining, manufacturing or even the ability to visit the other systems.
It’s too hard to move around: This probably flows more as a consequence from point 1, but being locked out from gates, and living in a system with no static wormhole means if there is no wormhole, there is essentially nothing to do but maybe mine. Certainly nothing to do that earns standing. For almost 72 hours this was the case this weekend, and there was nothing to do in our border system. We couldn’t even leave and go roam somewhere else.
This kinda defeats the purpose of living in a “new region” when you can’t even visit any of the other systems. It’s like an emptier version of a classic wormhole, where random roamers can easily access your home but you can’t even leave. The feeling of a connection to the space is also pretty diminished when I have visited exactly one Pochven system, and won’t be able to visit another for another 100 hours.
Maybe this will be fixed some with more useful wormholes or more accessible filaments, but for now it feels bad to be trapped in a single system. -
There isn’t enough content: Without an active wormhole, there are not nearly enough NPCs to fight or other things to do in your new home. Again, if you could move about Pochven maybe this would be less an issue, but in a single border system with no wormholes, there is literally nothing you can do to raise your Trig standing most of the time. If there is a wormhole, the system is constantly filled with Trig-enemy NPCs, but without it is a ghost town.
So the TL;DR is that in a current state, it is essentially impossible to progress at a reasonable rate in a border system as a new Trig group (which I am guessing is the intended progression path of the new space?). These problems are probably less for those that already have sufficient standings, but for a new group, boostrapping into a Trig loyalist corp in Pochven is basically not possible.
On the plus side, I do like many aspects of the space and the new NPCs, and it is great to have a place that isn’t as blob and alt friendly. I also really like the harshness and see the benefits of some grind. However, it is not just that Pochven feels unfinished, it really is unfinished, and there are no viable gameplay loops for new entrants yet.
We’ll keep going for now, but eventually the newness will fade, and the limitations of the lack of standings combined with the unreasonable standings grind will probably kill the motivation to undock, in Pochven anyway. I hope this feedback is redundant, and CCP will roll-out shortly changes and more additions to address these concerns, but if not, could the CSM please pass along these observations.