With the introduction and now dominance of Citadels, trade has become stretched and more trade hubs have begun to be formed.
However, with the sheer spread and lack of orders is very hard to really seed a market well, I run several accounts each are regularly maxed out on orders. This plus other is not enough to cover the vast amount of items for any smaller - medium corp to cover.
Allowing more orders will expand trade through all regions of eve and allow more players to enter the market almost anywhere, expanding the soak up of goods will increase prices in the long term and offer more incentive to try to make a solid market.
Beyond this, it will more than expand the use of freighters and services as people will buy bulk goods to move to their seeded market and in larger varieties of goods.
I propose we expand the skills of the trade per level from:
Format = Skill name - before - changed number - = Max at level 5 - before - After-
Trade 4 -10 = 20 - 50 (Allows more access to trade for new players)
retail 8 - 25 = 40 - 125
wholesale 16 - 35 = 80 - 175
Tycoon 32 - 75/150 = 160 - 375/750
This gives us a new limit of either 500 or 1000.
Assuming someone wants to seed a market single handly
it would require 17 accounts Minimum that is a small-medium corp of maxed skilled traders (a rare breed).
Never mind the logistics involved or the volume of goods and the isk required todo so.