( UPDATED 28/10/2019 ) Factional Warfare Patch Notes For October 2019 Players Made Release

TLDR : While absent from the Friday keynotes, Faction Warfare got some announcement by CCP Rise at the Saturday Core Gameplay Update !

18th century painting depicting the last moments of FW Farmers

o/ all,

The system of Auner has fallen.

Yep, that’s our third post in little time but this one is to conclude our own Eve Vegas weekend and launch a discussion about the announcements made at Eve Vegas but also about the proposals the FW Discord cooked up.

Two days ago we announced the final countdown before our own home brew patch : the mission agents would be no more. As promised, this is now done with the fall yesterday of the Auner system successfully concluding the countdown during the last day of Eve Vegas : all Low Sec TLF and 24th agents are now locked down.

What about the two militias ?

Well the Amarrs keep going proudly with their tradition of having the best civil wars. After their conquest of Auner, they are even distributing the proudest medal they could dream of :

As for the Minmatar militia, they organized Saturday evening a RP event opened to all Minmatar players to discuss the present situation.

“Half the U’K members were drunk off their arses before the moot even started and once underway, couldn’t even respect the concept of turns to speak let alone traditions.” quote by a eyewitness propagating false rumors.

You can still find a draft analysis of the blockade impact on FW stores here. TL/DR : no FW item can reach a too high isk/lp ratio without killing its own market.

CCP announcements at Eve Vegas :

While absent from the Friday keynotes, Faction Warfare got some announcements by CCP Rise at the Core Gameplay Update.

Capture from the CCP Rise presentation

Twitch link to the presentation ( FW subject starts at 00:42:55)

Twitch link to the question about FW during the AMA ( 5:21:47 ) followed at 5:45:47 by a question about LP

Written summary :

  • FW Missions will surely have their payout nerfed ( “most obvious way” CCP rise quote) but will not be deleted

  • Penalties for FW citadels in enemy FW territory ( “leverage the low power changes” “warzone state affects your citadels’ performance, like not having tether” CCP rise quotes). It’s important for us because citadels made system ownership irrelevant.

  • Gate sliding will be back ( gate sliding was a mechanism preventing people from tackling you when warping to and then sliding the entrance gate of plex. Since it disappeared people pad their zkillboard by camping the entrance gate of frigate plexes).

  • Overview will be fixed ( especially important to prevent friendly fire between militia members).

  • Plex Shakeups. Battlecruiser plex for the win ! (“more diversity” “battlecruiser” “further from the beacon” “we can do a lot with this” CCP rise quotes)

During the AMA :

  • Timetable for those changes : “sometime soon” “sometime in the next couple of months” CCP rise quotes

  • Integrate more FW with the NPC “bigger kind of hopes for integrating it more in the NPE” CCP rise quote

  • Also at 5:45:47 someone asks about changes to LP system ( “possible” CCP rise quote). Whereas until now any discussion about LP, especially LP corp tax, was stopped by “sry legacy code” until now.

For those who read our previous post, as you can guess we are of course enthusiastic, cautious but enthusiastic, by those announcements. Those are changes that we have been wishing for since a long time.

A love letter to CCP :

Thanks CCP for giving us Saturday a bit of your love and for giving us hope. We love you back. But you know hope is a fragile flame which easily flickers and dies : you have to foster it. Also we really appreciated your letter from Vegas but as says the proverbs : out of keyboard, out of mind.

Work with us.

You have hundreds of players who have been ready to spend their days and nights in plexing fleets just to organize and apply a gameplay change to mission agents. Just because faced with the dying state of their gameplay, it’s the only thing they could hope for right here, right now.

You have thousands of players who have been debating about what would be best for their gameplay, hundreds who since April have formulated and voted upon those proposals in the FW Discord.

You have the leaderships of both Amarr and Minmatar militias on board for changes to the warzone and able to mobilize their members, pushing information from the ground.

You already have a FW Discord where all the discussions and information from players are centralized and summarized making it easier to work with it.

We can launch further discussions to fine tune some of the proposals, we can launch votes to see between the similar proposals which one our members prefer, we can organize feedbacks, we can brainstorm about the possible exploits.

For instance applying penalties to FW citadels is meaningless if we can anchor and dock in alt corp citadels. Just to quote an example. If LP runs dry between both warzones, we need to rethink together the ( on a side note snowballing ) Tier system to keep the LP flowing or how items are balanced between FW stores and alternatives.

The less you talk to us, the less concerned will our members feel about the game and giving feedbacks. The more you talk to us in a shared and constructive gameplay engineering, the more our members will feel invested and will participate to work groups, proposals and feedbacks.

We are in 2019 : co-construction can be a thing, a productive thing for you and for us.

Eve Online is the most amazing existing game. Let’s not give up on it.

The work in progress proposals :

You will find below a summary of all voted and accepted proposals since April in the FW Discord. The blue coloured ones are the various proposals which are possible solutions to CCP rise presentation from Saturday. Changes we don’t know for sure about are left white.

To see the long term projects ( frontline system, seasons of warfare, target systems etc) hastily summarized here, you have to go to the Discord since trying to transcript their discussions would take entire pages.

We post it here to launch a discussion in the comments. The more feedbacks we have, the further we can fine tune those proposals, especially if there are some possible exploits or side effects around them. Also we are all part of the same sandbox.

You can find the full pdf of all those 70 voted proposals here and its excel version here.

Thank you all for you support.

The only struggle you lose is the one you abandon.