As everyone knows Fozzie-Sov has flaws for both sides attacking and defending. If it was made to produces smaller fights and break up the blue donuts than Fozzie-Sov right now has failed. Time for some changes.
First defending: the fact that any ship can entosis leads to t3 destroyer fleets in speed mode making it unreasonable to fight and does not produce combat. It makes defending pointless, a waste of my time, I will just use the same tactic and reclaim my system later no reason not to.
I feel if the Command Burst module is limited to certain ships why should the entosis module be different. Meaning if you wish to fit the entosis module to a ship that does not have • Can use one entosis module in there ship bonuses than an additional module should be needed to fit to your ship to make it work.
Which now comes to the next problem. Entosising something should have speed and range restrictions. Right now you can sit at 150km with a over-sized prop and entosis unchallenged being almost un-catch-able. So range & speed need some limits while actively entosising.
Now Attacking: It should take less time entosising uncontested if I own that system or adjacent systems connected to it. There should also be a capture range added where players inside the buffer range inside the same fleet decreases the time (to a limit) entosising like a capture point in other games.
Lastly benefits for holding sov: Right now its grey as to who owns a system those who’s name is on the sov banner or those who have citadels anchored everywhere. You shouldn’t be allowed to use any services of a citadel other than storage and defense. Meaning fitting services/markets/etc should all be disabled making sov holders want to defend there system else be interrupted with there normal lives.
I understand that not all these idea’s are needed to fix Fozzie-Sov but a update is needed and these categories need to be addressed.