Edit: One thing to note: I had an MSI Vega56 card before, and it was working on that one, and it was also working on a 580 that I have. Both on the same linux Mint system I’m trying to get the 6800xt working on.
Interesting, I don’t have an “evelauncher.exe”… I basically uncompressed my version of the launcher and ran evelauncher/evelauncher.sh:
appname=`basename "$0" | sed s,\.sh$,,`
dirname=`dirname "$0"`
if [ "${dirname%$tmp}" != "/" ]; then
export QTDIR=$dirname
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$dirname/plugins
export GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH=$dirname/roots.pem
"$dirname/$appname" "$@"
I’m not running it in steam. Steam doesn’t work at all. Funny story though- I did a new install of ubuntu on an unused partition, uncompressed my evelauncher tar.gz and it worked easy peasy. So I know it works. I just need to figure out how I’ve messed up my primary linux install to stop it from working.
Ah, looks like you’re using the native launcher. It’s been unmaintained for awhile I believe and may stop working altogether in the near future–I’d recommend migrating to steam or the Windows launcher for future proofing. I unfortunately can’t help troubleshoot the Linux launcher as I don’t use it. Note that for steam you probably have to tell it to use an experimental wine build, as there were some showstopping bugs that were fixed late in the 6.x cycle. I don’t know if they’ve rebased to 7.0 yet but that should have all the fixes.
I’ve been working on getting your solution working, and I’m getting closer:
I can now get the launcher to come up but if I try to log in I get a message: could not open login window check internet and try again". Only thing that comes up in the logs is:
LoadFailed ..\..\..\src\customwebpage.cpp in CustomWebPage::onLoadFinished : Couldn't open https://login.eveonline.com/account/logoff?lang=en&ReturnUrl=%2Fv2%2Foauth%2Fauthorize%3Fclient_id%3DeveLauncherTQ%26response_type%3Dcode%26scope%3DeveClientLogin%2520cisservice.customerRead.v1%2520cisservice.customerWrite.v1%26redirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Flogin.eveonline.com%252Flauncher%253Fclient_id%253DeveLauncherTQ%26state%[redacted]%26code_challenge_method%3DS256%26code_challenge%[redacted]%26showRemember%3Dtrue
I am having this weird error where I successfully log in and it says it can’t open a window. Adding a couple of accounts worked, but I have a ton of them left to add.
LoadFailed ..\..\..\src\customwebpage.cpp in CustomWebPage::onLoadFinished : Couldn't open https://login.eveonline.com/account/logoff?lang=en&ReturnUrl=%2Fv2%2Foauth%2Fauthorize%3Fclient_id%3DeveLauncherTQ%26response_type%3Dcode%26scope%3DeveClientLogin%2520cisservice.customerRead.v1%2520cisservice.customerWrite.v1%26redirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Flogin.eveonline.com%252Flauncher%253Fclient_id%253DeveLauncherTQ%26state%[redacted]%26code_challenge_method%3DS256%26code_challenge%[redacted]%26showRemember%3Dtrue
I’ve been getting a lot of those little errors too. It may or may not coincide with a tweak I made to my pfsense – added pfblockerng to knock down ads and stuff. Seems to dislike the certificate it gets from the pfsense.
On my mint machine, it constantly requests to login to account, then says it couldn’t open the login page but still presents me with accounts to launch and functions fine. On a Garuda (arch base) machine it started failing out entirely. I probably need to take a peek at the dnsbl settings.
I am now getting this error when trying to add new accounts to the launcher. Searching the forums, this seems to have popped up in the past for windows clients even, so not sure what is going on but it’s going to be a PITA to debug. It looks like as a workaround for now, you can go to settings->tools/cache in the launcher and go to server list and click “play on Sisi:”, this will launch the client and let you log in that way.
Well that’s freakin bizarre. I tracked down the function that was throwing the error and as soon as I set a breakpoint, it started working and let me add all my characters…