New launcher... new Linux error?

The prefix just points to the root of the virtual windows drive, not the actual eve installation. So in that example the prefix would probably be /home/user/.eve/wineenv

If it complains that it’s not a valid prefix then whatever tool you used to install it is doing weird/custom stuff with the setup and I can’t really help you. Using convenience tools and wrappers around wine programs makes it hard to diagnose problems because they add layers of complexity to something that get in the way of troubleshooting. Most of the people in these threads that are having trouble with the patches/workarounds are people using the deprecated native launcher or lutris it seems like.

Just for reference, here is all that is required to get the game to run on a direct wine setup:

  1. Download the windows launcher
  2. Install the latest wine-staging (6.19)
  3. Create a new wine prefix with the desired install (prefix) location
WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/user/eveprefix winecfg
  1. Set version to Windows 10 in the dialog that pops up, navigate to staging tab and disable CSMT. Close Dialog
  2. Download latest dxvk from and extract it
  3. Install dxvk in the prefix
WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/user/eveprefix ./setup_dxvk install --without-dxgi
  1. Run the installer with wine in your prefix
WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/user/eveprefix wine EVE-Installer.exe
  1. Play the game with the workarounds described in this and other threads until the patch that fixes the bug is merged upstream. Depending on your distro, Wine will probably create a desktop launcher for you with all the parameters set that you need to play, so launching it will be more convenient going forward.

If you notice the pattern above, WINEPREFIX before wine commands just tells wine which virtual Windows system you want to use when doing things. If that folder doesn’t exist it will be created the first time. It’s considered best practice to keep separate prefixes for different programs so that hacks to fix one program don’t affect others. I keep all my prefixes under a common directory like /home/renard/prefixes.