Upwell Haulers Infrastructure hold exhaustive items list

The ingame tooltip lists these item groups as fitting inside the infrastructure hold:

Tooltip items list

Colony Reagents
Upwell Structures
Structure Rigs
Structure Modules
Standup Fighters
Structure Ammo
Quantum Cores
Orbital Skyhooks
Custom Gantrys
Sovereignty Structures
Sovereignty Upgrades
Moon Materials
Fuel Blocks
Planetary Commodities
Refined Ice Products

I need to build an exhaustive list of items that will fit in the infrastructure hold.
Being a somewhat new player, I’m not aware of all the items in those categories. While some of these categories are easily searchable in the SDE/ESI (like “colony reagents”), some aren’t (“upwell structures”).

Would appreciate anyone helping build out that exhaustive list :pray:

Please reply to this discussion if any item is missing, or if an item on the list turns out not to fit in the infrastructure hold.
Currently known or speculated items that will fit the infrastructure hold:

Fuel Blocks
Name Type ID
Helium Fuel Block 4247
Hydrogen Fuel block 123456
Nitrogen Fuel Block 4051
Oxygen Fuel Block 4312
Ice Product
Name Type ID
Heavy Water 16272
Liquid Ozone 16273
Helium Isotopes 16274
Strontium Clathrates 16275
Oxygen Isotopes 17887
Nitrogen Isotopes 17888
Hydrogen Isotopes 17889
Command Centers
Name Type ID
Limited Barren Command Center 2129
Standard Barren Command Center 2130
Improved Barren Command Center 2131
Advanced Barren Command Center 2132
Elite Barren Command Center 2133
Limited Gas Command Center 2134
Standard Gas Command Center 2135
Improved Gas Command Center 2136
Advanced Gas Command Center 2137
Elite Gas Command Center 2138
Limited Ice Command Center 2139
Standard Ice Command Center 2140
Improved Ice Command Center 2141
Advanced Ice Command Center 2142
Elite Ice Command Center 2143
Limited Lava Command Center 2144
Standard Lava Command Center 2145
Improved Lava Command Center 2146
Advanced Lava Command Center 2147
Elite Lava Command Center 2148
Limited Oceanic Command Center 2149
Standard Oceanic Command Center 2150
Improved Oceanic Command Center 2151
Advanced Oceanic Command Center 2152
Elite Oceanic Command Center 2153
Limited Plasma Command Center 2154
Standard Plasma Command Center 2155
Improved Plasma Command Center 2156
Advanced Plasma Command Center 2157
Elite Plasma Command Center 2158
Limited Storm Command Center 2159
Standard Storm Command Center 2160
Temperate Command Center 2254
Barren Command Center 2524
Oceanic Command Center 2525
Ice Command Center 2533
Gas Command Center 2534
Lava Command Center 2549
Storm Command Center 2550
Plasma Command Center 2551
Improved Storm Command Center 2574
Advanced Storm Command Center 2576
Elite Storm Command Center 2577
Limited Temperate Command Center 2578
Standard Temperate Command Center 2581
Improved Temperate Command Center 2582
Advanced Temperate Command Center 2585
Elite Temperate Command Center 2586
Planetary Commodities
Name Type ID
Organic Mortar Applicators 2870
Recursive Computing Module 2871
Self-Harmonizing Power Core 2872
Sterile Conduits 2875
Wetware Mainframe 2876
Bacteria 2393
Biofuels 2396
Biomass 3779
Chiral Structures 2401
Electrolytes 2390
Industrial Fibers 2397
Oxidizing Compound 2392
Oxygen 3683
Plasmoids 2389
Precious Metals 2399
Proteins 2395
Reactive Metals 2398
Silicon 9828
Toxic Metals 2400
Water 3645
Biocells 2329
Construction Blocks 3828
Consumer Electronics 9836
Coolant 9832
Enriched Uranium 44
Fertilizer 3693
Genetically Enhanced Livestock 15317
Livestock 3725
Mechanical Parts 3689
Microfiber Shielding 2327
Miniature Electronics 9842
Nanites 2463
Oxides 2317
Polyaramids 2321
Polytextiles 3695
Rocket Fuel 9830
Silicate Glass 3697
Superconductors 9838
Supertensile Plastics 2312
Synthetic Oil 3691
Test Cultures 2319
Transmitter 9840
Viral Agent 3775
Water-Cooled CPU 2328
Biotech Research Reports 2358
Camera Drones 2345
Condensates 2344
Cryoprotectant Solution 2367
Data Chips 17392
Gel-Matrix Biopaste 2348
Guidance Systems 9834
Hazmat Detection Systems 2366
Hermetic Membranes 2361
High-Tech Transmitters 17898
Industrial Explosives 2360
Neocoms 2354
Nuclear Reactors 2352
Planetary Vehicles 9846
Robotics 9848
Smartfab Units 2351
Supercomputers 2349
Synthetic Synapses 2346
Transcranial Microcontrollers 12836
Ukomi Superconductors 17136
Vaccines 28974
Colony Reagents
Name Type ID
Magmatic Gas 81143
Superionic Ice 81144
Quantum Cores
Name Type ID
Astrahus Upwell Quantum Core 56201
Athanor Upwell Quantum Core 56202
Raitaru Upwell Quantum Core 56203
Fortizar Upwell Quantum Core 56204
Tatara Upwell Quantum Core 56205
Azbel Upwell Quantum Core 56206
Keepstar Upwell Quantum Core 56207
Sotiyo Upwell Quantum Core 56208
Integrated Moon Drill Armature 81920
Moon Materials
Name Type ID
Hydrocarbons 16633
Atmospheric Gases 16634
Evaporite Deposits 16635
Silicates 16636
Tungsten 16637
Titanium 16638
Scandium 16639
Cobalt 16640
Chromium 16641
Vanadium 16642
Cadmium 16643
Platinum 16644
Mercury 16646
Caesium 16647
Hafnium 16648
Technetium 16649
Dysprosium 16650
Neodymium 16651
Promethium 16652
Thulium 16653
Name Type ID
Astrahus 35832
Fortizar 35833
Keepstar 35834
Upwell Palatine Keepstar 40340
‘Moreau’ Fortizar 47512
‘Draccous’ Fortizar 47513
‘Horizon’ Fortizar 47514
‘Marginis’ Fortizar 47515
‘Prometheus’ Fortizar 47516
Engineering Complex
Name Type ID
Raitaru 35825
Azbel 35826
Sotiyo 35827
Upwell Moon Drill
Name Type ID
Metenox Moon Drill 81826
Name Type ID
Athanor 35835
Tatara 35836
Sovereignty Hub Anomaly Detection Upgrades
Name Type ID
Minor Threat Detection Array 3 82492
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 1 82493
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 2 82494
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 3 82495
Major Threat Detection Array 1 82496
Major Threat Detection Array 2 82497
Major Threat Detection Array 3 82498
Minor Threat Detection Array 1 82499
Minor Threat Detection Array 2 82500
Tritanium Prospecting Array 2 82579
Isogen Prospecting Array 1 82580
Isogen Prospecting Array 2 82581
Nocxium Prospecting Array 1 82582
Nocxium Prospecting Array 2 82583
Zydrine Prospecting Array 1 82584
Zydrine Prospecting Array 2 82585
Megacyte Prospecting Array 1 82586
Megacyte Prospecting Array 2 82587
Pyerite Prospecting Array 1 82588
Pyerite Prospecting Array 2 82589
Mexallon Prospecting Array 1 82590
Mexallon Prospecting Array 2 82591
Tritanium Prospecting Array 1 82592
Placeholder Sov Hub Upgrade 4 82609
Sovereignty Hub Service Infrastructure Upgrade
Name Type ID
Cynosural Navigation 81615
Cynosural Suppression 81619
Advanced Logistics Network 81621
Supercapital Construction Facilities 81623
Sovereignty Hub
Name Type ID
Sovereignty Hub 32458
Orbital Skyhooks
Name Type ID
Orbital Skyhook 81080
Mobile Structures
Name Type ID
Mobile Tractor Unit 33475
‘Packrat’ Mobile Tractor Unit 33700
‘Magpie’ Mobile Tractor Unit 33702
Mobile Sanguine Harvester 56701
Consortium Mobile Tractor Unit 81951
Mobile Depot 33474
‘Wetu’ Mobile Depot 33520
‘Yurt’ Mobile Depot 33522
Structure Anti-Subcapital Missile
Name Type ID
Standup Cruise Missile 37846
Standup Heavy Missile 37847
Standup Light Missile 37848
Structure Festival Launcher
Name Type ID
Standup Large Festival Launcher 47303
Structure Light Fighter
Name Type ID
Standup Templar I 47035
Standup Gram I 47036
Standup Dragonfly I 47138
Standup Firbolg I 47139
Standup Einherji I 47140
Standup Templar II 47141
Standup Dragonfly II 47142
Standup Firbolg II 47143
Standup Einherji II 47144
Standup Equite I 47145
Standup Locust I 47146
Standup Satyr I 47147
Standup Equite II 47148
Standup Locust II 47149
Standup Satyr II 47150
Standup Gram II 47151
Orbital Construction Platform
Name Type ID
Customs Office Gantry 3962

Thank you stefnia Freir and Miss Stardust for helping out!


you need to find the group Ids, which you can get from the group names

I don’t believe “Upwell structure” is an actual group name. If it is, I couldn’t find it in the SDE.

but Colony Reagents is .

… Yes, that’s why I said it’s easily searchable in the SDE/ESI… “colony reagents” is not what i need help with, please carefully read before answering.

Yes that is what you need to search.
FFS I wrote “you need to find the group Ids” So WHAT ARE THE ■■■■■■■ GROUP IDS ???
How dense can you be ?

planetary commodities is the category 43

and fuel blocks is a market group id

 c.name, g.name, t.name, t.id
 esi_items_type  t
 join esi_items_group  g on t.group_id=g.id
 join esi_items_category c on g.category_id=c.id
 c.id in(43)
 or t.market_group_id in (1870)
order by
 c.name, g.name, t.name
category group type name type id
Material Fuel Block Helium Fuel Block 4247
Material Fuel Block Hydrogen Fuel Block 4246
Material Fuel Block Nitrogen Fuel Block 4051
Material Fuel Block Oxygen Fuel Block 4312
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Broadcast Node 2867
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Integrity Response Drones 2868
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Nano-Factory 2869
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Organic Mortar Applicators 2870
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Recursive Computing Module 2871
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Self-Harmonizing Power Core 2872
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Sterile Conduits 2875
Planetary Commodities Advanced Commodities - Tier 4 Wetware Mainframe 2876
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Bacteria 2393
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Biofuels 2396
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Biomass 3779
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Chiral Structures 2401
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Electrolytes 2390
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Industrial Fibers 2397
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Oxidizing Compound 2392
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Oxygen 3683
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Plasmoids 2389
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Precious Metals 2399
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Proteins 2395
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Reactive Metals 2398
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Silicon 9828
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Toxic Metals 2400
Planetary Commodities Basic Commodities - Tier 1 Water 3645
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Biocells 2329
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Construction Blocks 3828
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Consumer Electronics 9836
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Coolant 9832
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Enriched Uranium 44
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Fertilizer 3693
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Genetically Enhanced Livestock 15317
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Livestock 3725
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Mechanical Parts 3689
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Microfiber Shielding 2327
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Miniature Electronics 9842
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Nanites 2463
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Oxides 2317
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Polyaramids 2321
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Polytextiles 3695
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Rocket Fuel 9830
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Silicate Glass 3697
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Superconductors 9838
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Supertensile Plastics 2312
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Synthetic Oil 3691
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Test Cultures 2319
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Transmitter 9840
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Viral Agent 3775
Planetary Commodities Refined Commodities - Tier 2 Water-Cooled CPU 2328
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Biotech Research Reports 2358
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Camera Drones 2345
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Condensates 2344
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Cryoprotectant Solution 2367
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Data Chips 17392
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Gel-Matrix Biopaste 2348
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Guidance Systems 9834
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Hazmat Detection Systems 2366
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Hermetic Membranes 2361
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 High-Tech Transmitters 17898
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Industrial Explosives 2360
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Neocoms 2354
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Nuclear Reactors 2352
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Planetary Vehicles 9846
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Robotics 9848
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Smartfab Units 2351
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Supercomputers 2349
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Synthetic Synapses 2346
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Transcranial Microcontrollers 12836
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Ukomi Superconductors 17136
Planetary Commodities Specialized Commodities - Tier 3 Vaccines 28974
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My first contribution to the list, tested and verified:

All versions of the Mobile Depot
All versions of the Mobile Tractor Unit - including Consortium

Can be deployed and scooped from the infrastructure bay. Right clicking in space allows scooping to the bay of your choice in the case of Torrent (cargo, infra, fleet)


That’s super interesting, thank you so much!

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This is my last message arguing with you.
I said that there was no group (and therefor no group ID) I could find for, for instance, “Upwell Structure”, and that this is why I’m asking the community for help, either in finding the group ID for those less obvious groups, or if there is no actual group, to manually construct a list of type IDs.

Your answer to me asking for help finding the group ids is that I should find the group ids…

I may be dense but at least I can read.

Thank you for the list for PI and fuel blocks btw.


I assume ALL mobile structures will go into the bay. But, when it comes to CCP, you know what happens when we A$$-U & Me things.

I noticed mobile structures weren’t included in your title post. I think CCP also said structure ammo and bombs may also be carried. I also need to try Nanite Repair Paste.


The title post includes all categories listed in the infrastructure hold tooltip. If even that isn’t exhaustive then we really badly need a community consolidated list!

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You litteraly wrote that those were groups

To which I answered that you need the group ids to have the corresponding items as I showed in my sql query.

Then you wrote that upwell structure is not a group.
To which I answered that Colony reagents is https://esi.evetech.net/latest/universe/groups/4729

YOU were the one saying that those were groups. If some of them are not, you are the one to explain what you actually mean !
If you say they are group, then later they are not, you are contradicting yourself.

If you know they are not groups, then don’t say “these item groups”.

OK I’m tired of your ■■■■.
If you can’t be bothered to explain yourself properly when you ask for help, go ■■■■ yourself.

Sigh. Being constructive is hard for some people.


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More experimentation, because reasons:

Cap Booster Charges - NO
Standard Missile Ammunition (cruise, rocket, etc) - NO
STANDUP Missile Ammunition - YES
STANDUP Light Fighter (Einherji I) - NO (?) ( intended?) (visible confusion)
STANDUP Large Festival Launcher (Special Edition Asset) - YES (GJ CCP)
STANDUP H/L Guided Bomb - NO (?)
Nanite Repair Paste - NO
Planetary Interaction Command Centers - NO


Interesting, thanks for your testing, adding more to the list very soon

Per patch notes:

CCP fixed Standup Light Fighters not being allowed in the bay. ALSO - PI command centers now allowed.


Thanks again for the update! Updated the list.
Any news regarding the STANDUP Guided bombs ?