Ushra’Kahn Incursion in Floseswin High Orbit Repelled by Amarr Militia Titan Fleet

You are correct, primitive, but I think not in the manner you intended. Evidence which is never brought into the light of day to be scrutinized can be neither refuted nor validated. Your inability or refusal to present said evidence to this forum certainly detracts from anyone’s ability to refute it. I suspect that your claims are as vacuous as the Fenrir debris that I left in orbit around Floseswin. This is, of course, hardly surprising given the origin of the claim. How many times have those loyal to the Empire suffered through innumerable Matari boasts of superiority on broad spectrum intra-system communication networks - despite your hilarious disposition with respect to warzone control, (non-existent) infrastructure, and complete and utter inability to stand in the open against the fleets of CTRLV. If reality was indeed shaped by the wishful thinking of the Matari, indeed, the cluster would look very different.

Imagine for a moment that I had made these claims and written this report absent evidence and documentation. As always, the burden of proof is on the claimant. If you have some additional explanation to explain why a Freighter flying your flag piloted by a capsuleer in your alliance exploded over Floseswin, rest assured, I am among the most interested to hear it.