Ushra’Kahn Incursion in Floseswin High Orbit Repelled by Amarr Militia Titan Fleet

We found Irnolf Sirober to be in communication with, at the time, an unknown contact through monitored comm channels a full five days before Irnolf Sirober revealed their true colors and true allegiance.

In the days after this determination investigations were prepared, interviews scheduled and plans laid to find out who had sought to place Irnolf Sirober in Hoplite Brigade and for what purpose.

Alas, before we could even start conducting interviews Irnolf Sirober had already shown their true color as an Amarrian agent by taking a tiny contingent of 10.000 bamboozeld freedom fighters into the arms of the Amarr for the express purpose of murdering them. Their youth and inexperience at public relations and clandestine operations showing in their lack of skill to even execute the freedom fighters as was so bluntly planned by the delusional members of house Yassavi and the silly Galentean turncoat Mikal “Emperor of all of Amarr militia until someone says otherwise so I have to heel like a good second rate flunkie” Vektor.

Irnolf Sirober took these freedom fighters in a Fenrir, where literally ANY other ship would have been a wiser choice unless your aim is to be blown up. This further indicated their malicious intent and inexperience in truly hiding intent. So Irnolf Sirober is not only a traitor to the Minmatar, but a bad one at that.

To clarify the lacklustre Amarr PR attempt further, a Fenrir can hold as many as 217.500 freedom fighters for even the lowest skilled capsuleer that can actually undock in one, and the times Ushra’Khan flew freedom fighters to Floseswin, they were packed to the rafters, itching to fight, properly escorted and safeguarded during their most vulnerable transit. To do anything less is unworthy of the risk our freedom fighters take.

And Ushra’Khan did indeed land an undisclosed number of freedom fighters on Floseswin IV…but this was done months ago when we held the system for 4 days. And those transports went undetected and packed to the rafters. Not a single freedom fighter was lost in transit and most of them survive to this day to fight for the planet. For security reasons we cannot disclose how many transports of what sort were used at the time, since this would give an indication of fighting power still very much available to our valiant forces on the ground. I am at liberty to say 10.000 more or less would be like a drop in an ocean of freedom fighters.

Furthermore, the incessant clamoring for “proof” that Irnolf Sirober is indeed the Amarr plant we say they are are thinly veiled attempts to unmask our deep cover operatives carefully embedded in the bosom of “Local is Primary” and in the heart of the Yassavi family. We will not be revealing any of our sources but we have many, some of them making merry with Mikal “I am a professional spy, see me infiltrate open to all militia channels” Vektor on comms on the regular.

Lastly, the video shared by Mikal “I color the universe as I want it to be by chewing crayons and then spitting it out all over every comm channel available to me” Vektor had clearly been doctored in the most atrocious manner. The battle report associated with the alleged exchange shows that the shared video is of a different engagement then the one in which the Fenrir actually blew up.

The discrepancies between the footage and the actual report are clear as day and highlight that nothing is beneath the self proclaimed “Supreme Commander of Allied Amarr Militia Forces” to play pretend. Multiple ships not showing up on reports that are clearly visible as engaging in hostile action on the video tell a tale of massive manipulation and doctored imagery done poorly. The shared footage was so clearly made in a simulation I would have never dared share such shoddy work. But sharing the actual footage of the engagement was not an option available either since it proved to be so underwhelming that it was deemed unusable for the PR propose it was intended for.

We sisi through your machinations and declare them lacking.