Using a one-click to do double-click, is it a MACRO?

I dislike these meme. Not cool.

Do not mock people for their disability.Here is list of books you should read to supplement your understanding of bullying and and its negative effects on people.

It’s not a belief; it has to do with the shortcuts that already exist in the game, and a macro to perform something in the game that is not already possible.

You can bind shortcuts to any single key, you can’t do that with double-click

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42 posts for a simple Yes.


Target aquired.

Are you talking about yourself?

Ctrl, Alt, Shift + Key is not a single key, and it is harder to perform than double click.

I think i don’t understand your logic, or you don’t understand mine.

Also the belief exist because the language of the rules is unclear. As mentioned before the use of macro is allowed IF it does not give an advantage. My logic stated that if “Ctrl, Alt, Shift + Key” is allowed then it is considered to not give an advantage, because the act of double clicking takes less time and effort to perform compared to “Ctrl, Alt, Shift + Key” it also is allowed. Basically, one hard to perform act can be macroed so must a lesser harder act be be macroed.

The reasoning for why the act is hard is explained in previous comments.

The case is open-and-shut for me. If there ever was a cause to fight and get banned for then this is it.
CCP can either clarify the rules or kick me out, i believe there is no wrongdoing in my part.

I dont know if ISDs have contact with CCP or not but if you do i suggest you bring this up with them.

Now post that with the character you actually break the rules with.


It really isn’t. The answer to the question is: Yes, it’s a macro. As per the rules you are not allowed to perform two actions at once. A “double click” offers different actions than a “single click”, which offers its own variety of actions. A “double click” is equal “two single clicks”, therefore you would be macroing two actions into one, breaking the rules.

For example: If you were allowed to macro a double-click into a single click, you could “loophole” it for the mwd+cloak trick by making the “double click” take slightly longer than a regular “double click”, allowing you to move the mouse just enough to reach the second module in time. Maybe you need that, because your mouse has a stuck key and doesn’t allow you to pull it off as quickly as required. Or maybe you can’t press F1 and F2 quickly enough for whatever reason. The potential for making a mistake would be lowered, causing an unfair advantage.

This is childish. Do you have no real worries in life? We are at a point where you are making yourself look like you are one of those people who are looking for a loophole. Insisting on being right does not do you anything good, especially when it’s fruitless anyway.

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You don’t WANT to understand his logic because it doesn’t suit you. Difference.

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I use a Streamdeck in place of keyboard for combat. I can copy/paste all my modules as little mini screen-buttons and push find them faster than keys on my keyboard. Plus it looks really cool. I have noticed that sometimes there is 1-2 server ticks lag on it though. So guess it is a slight handicap for the nimble fingered, but an advantage for me who is daft on the keyboard. I have my weapons generally grouped as one button. Everything else I have to click separately. I even have the icons change so I know when weapon is active, heat is active, etc. Very nifty. Not macro’ing, simply reassigning.

I think the real problem is that the OP got the clarification they asked for. CCP cannot afford to ever give a blanket “yes.”

Mapping the double click to something else to make PI less tedious? That seems harmless. I think the double-click probably doesn’t get logged as two single clicks, so it would be very difficult for CCP to detect anyway.

Anyway, clarification was requested and received. Kind of dumb to try to debate it now.

Yes PI and the double clicking orders in “my orders” window. And yes it is clear to me that it is allowed. I’m just trying to be polite and answer people contributing in this conversation.

Just in case: No, it is not allowed to macro double-clicks into single-clicks, unless GMs give specific permission to do so.

Just so you know, you broke the rules by one, posting a direct message from CCP, which is against policy.

Ctrl, alt/shift create 1 action, so therefore, they can be bound to one button press.

where as F1/F2 for Missile/TP cannot be done, but yet, I can press both at the same time, I cannot macro those together.

@GM_Archduke can you give the OP the correct answer to this “riddle” please?

Double Click is a common option for the middle mouse button on many mice as a way to prolong the life of the mouse and also as an ergonomic feature so it’s not exactly a way to get an advantage that most players wouldn’t have in normal gameplay.

Marcos are also a common option, but you can’t twist that into somehow being allowed to use this in EVE.

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