a few weeks or so ago, I came back to highsec space in search of a crew. I am an old wormhole vet, but found myself without anyone to fly with after a break. I have since been recruiting and have gained about 15 other individuals to fly with me now.
Because I am based in highsec at the moment, the guys I fly with are all mostly new. We have been doing ops each night to get them more familiar with wormhole mechanics. We will be moving back into a wormhole here in the next week or so.
We are US TZ mostly eastern, but I am MST myself.
I can offer you the following if you are looking to move into a wormhole.
- ship fits
- skill plans designed for new players and wormhole space.
- voice comms
- Experienced FC’s with over 1000 kills
- bunch of other !@#$ having to do with indy. (ask the indy dudes, I just want to shoot people)
I can work with a day one old account, but if you are new, no sweat, we can show you what to do and when.
I am looking for more experienced pvper’s as well. Ideally, I am looking for about 6 guys that want to learn/already familiar with mico/small gang pvp tactics. If you just want to mine, thats fine - we have guys doing that.
We are a smaller corp. I have exactly zero interest in becoming a huge corp. I don’t want to take over eve. I want to log in, frag someone and use their salt for my dinner plate. That’s my dream. simple, easy.
While we don’t have requirements, I will ask that you be Omega, and that you have cloaking at least somewhat trained. Message me here, in game, or on our Discord - our discord guy is IT, so he’s locked it all down. I think you should be able to chat when you join, if not - I’ll fix it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.