I don’t, really. I had a question for Makoto. One question. It got answered, and the answer sparked discussion. Now I have a question for you:
Will you also take Ioannis to task for initiating the pedantic debate? I ask because if you’ll look, you should see that Makoto, once she understood I was sincere in the follow-up question, answered me, received another clarification (and I really don’t think that one can be considered ‘pedantic’ at all) and then I asked what she meant by ‘moralizing’, because I honestly don’t know which of my statements about the analogy was taken to be a moral judgment. (analogies can even be moral or immoral? Can they? Seriously, I’ve never heard of that).
It’s at this point that Ioannis apparently decides to jump in and try to pick a fight. I’ve only asked him for clarification on his statements, because I really don’t understand how he reconciles them with one another, and with the actual sequence of events, and it seems like he’s not actually reading the things he’s responding to.
And then I asked him what he thought of the speech. (I still think it’s a good speech.)
So… I’m more than willing to shrug my shoulders here and say ‘hey, whatever’ (again), but if you’re going to jump on me about it, I really would like to know if this is a blatant double-standard, or if the same criticism is going to be leveled at the other non-Caldari involved in the apparently disrespectful discussion, too. Because let’s face it, the ‘if you have questions for Ms. Priano’ bit makes it pretty clear you weren’t including him in that.