I mean, in training our helmets were a kilo and a half, easy. Coms systems added weight, so did masks. You made mention of a gas mask that weighed 720 grams. I said it weighed a kilo. Hardly a precise measurement. Factor in the carrying case and it’s probably pretty darn close. But no, I did not go get a scale to figure out how much it weighed. Given the gear I usually carry around when I am on the ground, adding a kilo isn’t even close to my just-noticeable difference threshold (when not in powered battle plate).
Military weights are usually described in such: nothing, next to nothing, light, pretty light, half a kilo, a little bit, a bit, a kilo(gram), not nothing, two kilos, enough to notice, three kilos, not light, four kilos, not heavy, five kilos, a little heavy, six kilos, why do we have to carry this for anyways?, seven kilos, it has straps;don’t worry, eight kilos, heavy, nine kilos, pretty heavy, ten kilos, is this made out of gold?, and so on.
I guess I’m just a little perplexed as to what we are arguing about, unless it’s just to argue?