Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

Done. Are you sure I can’t book you in for a check up?


I’ll look in my calendar and get back to you on that.




Bird is the word?


Bird is the word! :smiley:


With those wings, I question the 'bird’ness of that thar beastie.


When the hell have you ever seen a bird, vacuum-head?


She’s probably seen you flip a lot of birds.


The only animal cruelty I indulge in is against Imperial loyalists.


A rare specimen, the Achuran bird of Da Wae, looks like this:

Fairly not bird-like too.


I am pretty sure I haven’t seen this specimen. Besides that, birds don’t have hands, and its movement is awkward.

There are zoos on-station in a lot of places!


Whether it’s a bird or it isn’t, depends mostly of one’s definition of “bird”. Because, there’s scientific definition of bird - spanning a few closely related species, such as the (perhaps, too) famous Raven, Crow, Jackdaw and their relatives across the Caldari and Gallente space, whatever local names they may carry. And there’s a layman’s definition of a bird: if it has a beak, a pair of legs, and a pair of wings, and (optionally) feathers and can fly - it’s a “bird”.

And noone cares if it’s actually a Quetzalcoatlus Mirabilis Duvalli with an utterly alien genome that evolved right on that planet there and eats small rocks for breakfast. For 99% of the populace, it’s a “bird”. Unfortunately.


Well, then they’re wrong, aren’t they?


Indeed they are! It’s like calling a Long-Limb a “space shrimp”, or a Hel a “giant shark”.


Can I ask you, or anyone else really, why do so many capsuleers believe that wormhole space is theirs? There was armed resistance there from the day one - not an active one that would hunt you out of there, but one that certainly didn’t want you poking around where you weren’t welcome.


Viewed most kindly:

A civilization falls. Its halls are left empty, its fields barren. In time, roofs fall in, walls collapse, and all is wilderness again. In time, people return. Civilization flourishes again amid the ruins. Are these new people wrong to call this place their own?

Viewed most unkindly:

When do invaders concede the wrongness of their trespass?

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They are if those roofs haven’t fallen in, the walls haven’t collapsed, and the residents are just sleeping, yeah. The Sleeper structures we encounter in Anoikis generally don’t show signs of being in disrepair, only inactive.

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“Doesn’t look like anyone’s here, let’s steal all their crap!”

turns to

“Wait, someone’s here. Let’s kill them all and steal all their crap!”

turns to

“You know, this is kind of a nice place to make money and stage from. Let’s kill everyone here, steal all their crap and build fortresses here so we can keep doing it.”

Fuckin’ w-space. Proof positive that the EoM might be on to something.



We make it our own in a way very few other capsuleers experience.

I’ll use my own corp as an example.

We live in one system. It’s official designation is J115405, a “Class 5”. We call it Rage. There’s something really special about naming the place you live. Other famous examples, Polaris, Nova, Origin, all have impressive histories. However, if you’ll forgive my rambling, I’m going to focus on Rage and why it’s ours.

Rage is something unusual, because we didn’t name it ourselves. Six years ago, long before I joined the corp, a group of several wormhole corporations decided to evict Hard Knocks. During their rolling efforts, they began to call their target “Rage”. HK spies picked up on this, and more than 40 hours of successful defensive fighting later, the corp decided to keep it. Rage had earned its name, and it would stand as a monument to our determination.

Now then, my key point. Being confined to a single system, a system that becomes so much a part of a corporate identity as to almost have its own personality, changes the way pilots in wormhole space view things. We cannot (easily) extend our influence over constellations or regions, nor do we have easy travel through gates.

I would argue that more than any other capsuleers, we have a home. A singular location where all our adventures begin and end, no travelling between staging points, no relocating to a new agent, no shifting front lines or new markets, just… home.

Every piece of infrastructure in Rage was manufactured and assembled by us. It was named by us, defended by us, planned, positioned, and held by us. We would fight to protect it till it burned down around us, and we would never stop rebuilding it. Our home unites us, and bonds us together in its isolation.

Now extend this across every inhabited wormhole system, every wormhole corp.

We plant our flags and our feet and we say this is ours.

Welcome to human history 101. Please take a seat.