Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

Please do.

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That dull out there? Come now, last time I was in the area (month ago maybe) the area was saturated with TLF to the point I saw no point in returning. Couldn’t have changed that much could it?

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Bold text is not necessarily for emphasis. It can simply denote a section heading.

Really though, the use of bold or italics should not be assumed to mean anything in particular on these forums, because there is no uniform style guide. Unlike say at my university where essays and other material that my students expect me to read should follow the KIU style guide, which sets out which font to use, how quotations should be referenced, paragraph formats and so on.

Tone is best conveyed not by formatting, but by writing style. If someone misses a joke or sarcasm or irony, then it is as much a reflection of the writers skill, as the readers comprehension.



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Good luck with your war.

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It hasn’t. There’s a few more bastards with a golden badge out there now after the Starkman debacle (including Mr.Shutaq) but it’s still mostly fighting pirates.

Not that I’m encouraging you to stay away, of course! Piracy is also a bad thing.

Thanks. Nothing personal.

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Shamelessly on-topic self plug: Belonging

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I’m glad to hear things are still going well, I have faith in our fleets enough to think any pirate issues can and are generally dealt with. Doesn’t mean I won’t return if that situation changes, I just don’t see myself as needed direly enough to warrant breaking contracts and the trust people have in me with regards to personnel arrangements.


Not sure what that means, but of course, we have it under control. The pirates have generally been a bigger threat then Amarrmil for some time now, but it’s nothing uncommon.

I imagine if things really start going pear-shaped, you will hear about it.


It means right now she’s made a commitment to… CalMil, is it, Deitra? And while rushing home to protect people means not honoring the commitments to that group and those people, if she’s needed, she’ll do it. She’d just rather not be needed, right now. (Which is not unreasonable.)


Why yes, calmil and Heiicon, even before we left minmil we had a few impromptu pirate battles together. I really am against slighting them after all they have done for us, but I’m sure they understand that like how they won’t abandon their own, we will not abandon our home either. That doesn’t mean jump at the drop of the hat, that means vital emergency.


There was no proscription in the words of the late Empress that the ropes of indenture might be used instead.

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That’s true, but then, there was also nothing in the words of the late Empress that all of Amarr shouldn’t immediately become Furries.


If I’m not mistaken this was a quote from her declaration that the age of slavery was coming to an end ((seriously if I’m wrong on that let me know, it’s all I could find on the internet when I searched)) how exactly am I wrong in thinking her pushing the emancipation of 9th gen Matari as not being a sign of slavery running it’s course?

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Yes. You are mistaken. You are interpreting signs and making presumptions from the outset.

Scriptural exegesis as it relates to the interpretation of the words of a living or past occupant of the Golden Throne in their role as Logos of God requires the utmost pedantry; as such what I said remains true:

If the chains of indenture that restrain those less fortunate than ourselves will no longer be necessary in this new age of light and reason; it does not preclude the ropes of indenture from being used to restrain those less fortunate than ourselves.

Or in a tad more honest fashion: “It says whatever is convenient for me and mine at any given moment.” much like Scripture and law. It’s not even specific to these hypocrites using the Rite as an excuse for their powermongering and self aggrandizement, even if they’re by far the worst offenders in this regard. You’ll find examples of it in every power structure in New Eden.

This one is a bit of a stretch though. Would be far more beneficial to question the time frame involved, and extend it past his expected lifespan. Appear magnanimous, retain all benefits of the status quo. It doesn’t even work as a strawman the way he did it.

Amateurish. I expect better from the Imps.


It’s true that the “ropes of indenture” were not specifically mentioned.

But neither were the Socks of Slavery, the Bra of Uplifting, the Corset of Servitude, the Belt of Holding, the Hat of Shame, or the Frilly Knickers of Forced Labour.

Your point is… questionable.

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All due consideration was given on my part to the words of the late Imperial Majesty Jamyl I while bearing the further consideration that as according to current doctrines and Holy Writ, the indentured under God are to remain indentured under God to their relevant Holder House.

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Well, except for those slaves she freed and “emancipated from their obligations to our nation and our Lord.”

You have to admit, the Empress going and releasing slaves from their obligation to God is pretty significant. And the Theology Council didn’t make a peep. She basically announced publicly that becoming apostates or schismatics would be fine.


Slaves have an obligation to God to be indentured under God to a Holder House. If slaves are emancipated through Imperial Decree as conducted by her late Imperial Majesty Jamyl I then it follows they are released from their obligations to God as a slave under God and Holder.