A while back I heard some rumors that CCP might be looking into a fix for the Amarr - Jita highsec route; currently it’s 46 jumps.
I think it’s probably a bad idea to move Ahbazon to a 0.5, however, if CCP bumped Vecamia up to a 0.5 system, the highsec route would drop from that 46 to 25, which is still more than the 20 it takes to go from Jita to Hek. It would also move the highsec Dodixie to Amarr route from 35 to 17.
Furthermore, each trade hub (except the dodixie to hek route) would have a faster lowsec route than the highsec options.
That said, I’m not really familiar with capital ships, and their preferred routes. Would turning Vecamia highsec screw with jump freighter logistics?
EDIT: all these jump numbers are total system numbers because I’m a retard and didn’t -1 for the initial system.
Interesting, ya know one of my csm campaign points was the opposite of this lol turning highsec into islands based on faction or race. No pure highsec routes between them. Forcing people to actually either stay in a factions space or venture into low/null. Would prob boost contracts with jf groups as people wouldn’t wanna make the market trips as much anymore i feel. Promotes regional markets over people just buying low in one trade hub and selling high in another. I also wanted to really show some love to the other trade hubs not just jita. Each one being a big central area for the region.
That’s fine too, if that’s the direction CCP wants to go in. Of course by doing so, you’d kill both the subcap space trucker game play and the majority of w/e is left of suicide ganking.
The bigger issue, likely from CCP’s perspective, is the SOE epic arc runs through so many differnt faction’s space. Considering CCP considers the SOE arc to be new player content, I doubt they’re willing to force them into lowsec travel to take part in it.
They mostly are, except for the Dodixie to Hek route, and that’s only because they’re so close to each other. Dodixie to Rens on the other hand goes through lowsec for it’s faster route (11 jumps instead of the 15 for the highsec route.)
It’s hard to curate player behavior too much though, because you risk changing things.
My speculated change in the op, could have the unintended effect of creating a new trade hub somewhere along that Jita - Amarr route, somewhere near the concord systems. Perhaps in Oursulaert since it’s a factory system.
Fun fact: Jita wasn’t “planned” to be the main trade hub by ccp. They designated Yulai for that. However the m00 gatecamp early in the games history led to removing long range gates into Yulai.
Jita grew as the main trade hub for several reasons. It contained level 4 mission agents (an important source of income in the early game) and is only one jump away from three other regions. It’s a classic crossroads. With a minimum of effort, traders could check prices in four regions. Hence, Jita grew organically as the main trade hub.
Add to this the early game mechanic that gave Caldari a small advantage in starting sp.
I’m not saying another hub wouldn’t start gaining traction with map changes, but there’s a huge amount of inertia to overcome.
Agreed. I’m not even suggesting it would happen, but the possibility is there. Part of what made me think a hub could pop up in the concord area again is due to remembering Yulai being the initial trade hub for EVE.
Other hubs nowadays would be dying if they were cut off from Jita even more. Other hubs exist and continue to exist only because of Jita. Cutting them off from Jita would do a lot of things but absolutely certainly not promote regional trade, as RGC fantasizes. The faltering trade volumes in Dodi, Hek, Rens and even Amarr after the loss of Niarja are testament to that.
There are still some smaller trade hubs out there. Mostly servicing faction warfare with a decent range of stuff available. Mostly ammo and basic ships. Been a while since I’ve used it, but Stacmon was always surprisingly well stocked when I lived in Vey.
Some of the stations around black rise also have decent supplies of ammo and consumables.
I’ve lived in hek 90% of my eve career and I’ve never had any issues buying or selling anything so idk what you’re on about lol I’ve made a small fortune running the market out of hek. Even if it became islands it wouldn’t be hard to get what’s needed. Does it get the same attention or surplus as jita? Obviously not but cutting the trade hubs off Into separate states between lowsecs forces people to either
A. All move to caldari space to keep using jita
B. Focus on the local trade hub in the region they want to live.
C. Suck it up and make the jumps actively instead of being afk
D. Hire a moving service like the frogs.
I feel like no High Sec access between regions at all would disproportionately kneecap newer players who don’t yet have Blockade Runner or Deep Space Transport access.
I don’t miss the connection (I can still use Pochven highway), but the net loss is with ganking in the Urlen pipe. I really miss the fun games with gankers and loot thieves, while doing Jita market stuff.
Maybe CCP could allow player operated gates in high sec finally? They would need fuel, they could be taxed, they could join some places finally, and they would cause conflict also. Give power to people.
This is one of the worst ideas posted to the forums, and there have been a lot of bad ideas. I can only imagine a comment like this has to stem from being completely out of the loop of the past few years of debate about ansiblexes and other geo-skipping items in all sorts of various Eve communities.