Vecamia: Amarr - Jita route

Jump into that system in Titan/Super and see how “empty” it is.

Technically you are correct, there would the the cyno alt sigh.

Without good reasons to travel between the islands, people would just concentrate even more in the “Jita Island” and probably almost never leave it. Which would result, correctly said by Tipa, in even less activity everywhere else. Even if you would establish “lowsec-routes” between them, so instead of one chokepoint you’d had to travel 5, 10 or 15 systems of Lowsec to reach the next “Island”, there would still be entrypoints and just those would be (mostly) camped.

So, instead of hard-cut separating the Empires (which isn’t really that realistic, often in history you had close business relations even between factions at war), you would have to give people a motivation to leave the Jita Area and lets say populate the Rens Area. Now usually you have two sides of that sword: financial opportunities and lower maintainance costs which both would increase your profits and unique gameplay mechanics that allow interesting, challening gameplay and the opportunity to gain “things” (can be goods, can be resources, can be trophies…) that you can’t get anywhere else.

Currently there is no such motivation. Jita Market offers usually fair prices (from all the competition) and basically everything is available in good numbers. It’s very very convenient to supply yourself and your business, so why go anywhere else if there is nothing there that can outweight that benefit?

A way that has been discussed in the past is a fluid tax/broker/fee system that would increase the costs in and around Jita and lower them in/around the other trade hubs to make business there more profitable, so more people begin to sell their production goods somewhere else. I am not sure this is the right way, but I am also not an expert in economics. What I am missing is some kind of “uniqueness” of each space. I mean, the background color is different, the Corporations have different names and the NPC ships different styles… but the activities are all the same. Nothing of value you could only get in Amarr Space you can make a business out of. Nothing exclusively about Minmatar or Gallente Space… (well, different types of Ice, but really… Citadels run with all fuel blocks, so meh…).

I think tax breaks in low trade areas would encourage trade. That’s what happens in real life, and multiple viable markets would improve the game.

Another issue is the broker fee, which has to be paid every 90 days, and again everytime a price is changed. That doesn’t reflect real-world economies. Grocery stores don’t pay a punitive tax when they discount eggs. Removing this would encourage people to place orders in low trade areas, whereas currently trade is stifled.


Just had a thought, people are always saying oh low is empty as is a lot of null , not counting the bot fleets.

High sec is always full , no matter what they try to get people to move , so why not let the empires start to expand there areas of control, just like pirate incursions are doing now.

Now I don’t mean pve or it’s not the main focus but some how players have to raise the security level of a system untill it becomes a 0.5 .

If local low sec residence want to keep it lawless they will need to fight .

As high sec expands people will spread out but the border zones will still be dangerous and liable to flip back.


…do you really think Highsec miners will defeat SnuffedO and the Purple Helmet Guild?

No not as things are but who knows what could form if given a chance

I know.

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As we have seen in Oisien, a 25000 man HighSec Alliance can’t even defeat 2 Orcas and 9 Mackinaws. If you would reduce HighSec to 1 System only, probably 50.000 carebears would lurk in that system, complaining all day long that they still would be ganked.


Law enforcement actions (such as killing npc and player pirates) would work to increase sec status.

Criminal activity (such as suicide ganking) would work to decrease sec status.

Would probably need some other activity in there as well… but it’s a solid basis to start from.

If CCP went for such a system, I assume they’d also limit the functionality of it… probably to just one or two sec levels.

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Why not let players guide content, instead of scripting it with NPCs?

I only said empires meaning the players who live in that empire can start an expansion and I did say limit the pve so it’s all player lead

Ohhhh, you can already do that silly. Just jump into lowsec, there you are.

Claim ‘your’ space and enjoy the free trip back to station.

Hi Rail, dedicated and professional gankers operate comfortably at -10.00 security status in Highsec - and have always done so. Your proposals will not affect them at all. Have you considered this?

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Why would it need to affect them? I’m not sure why that’s the interpretation you took away from the comments you quoted.

Someone else made a comment about a dynamic system where sec status changed, so I offered a method where that would make sense.

You’re quite right, Rail. I had just finished replying to someone on a related matter and had not properly disengaged my thought processes before grasping at your post.

I need to take a break from all this… :grinning:


Ah, c’est la vie.

It would be immeasurably better to have 10 coneections in and out as opposed to two, that is for sure.

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Nothing to fear, there is no collision damage in Eve.
They can send as many shuttles as they want, won’t scratch my paint.

And even if they did, I rarely move more than 2B, sometimes 10, most I did was 300ish but that was really exceptional (did not realize I took the wrong cans in the hauler ^^ ). Its more the time to improve the BP that is a problem. Also, now, the cost to research since it easily doubles the BP cost.