Vecamia: Amarr - Jita route

Teaching my corp to use poch was a game changer. Everyone was really excited to just be able to go look at null without having to break a gate camp to see it.

We’ve been playing for years, and the filaments are making some admit that there is still a lot of the universe that we have not seen, instead of writing the entire space off as “death land that we don’t own”.

There is enough information out there on filaments, but nothing in-game to indicate they were a possible form of regional travel.

Maybe a small rework of the exploration AiR program to include needlejacking, poch, and thera. Navigation is the first critical skill.

I hope you’re joking. That’s just begging to get shuttle bombed.

The ever popular “Source: I made it up”

You can get through Ahbazon in shuttle pretty easily if you don’t warp directly.

People who have BPOs should know to not warp gate to gate in low sec. If they don’t? Oh well.

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You can summarize this discussion into one sentence : Old white men : WE DO NOT WANT OUR GAME TO BE CHANGED NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Please don’t assume anyones gender! It’s a microaggression! :open_mouth:


Not sure why you’ve got to be racist about it.


That could be easily overcome by making market taxes subject to the same volume dynamic as industry build fees. The more orders in a market, the higher the fees go, lower orders, less fees.

Create some incentive to run a citadel market hub, rather than just allow infinite orders in NPC stations.

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the security of an NPC station is a major draw.
getting hundreds of billions of ISK worth of stuff out of asset safety if a citadel goes pop can be very costly.
i’d be interested to know how much stuff went to asset safety when the Perimeter Keepstar fell.

Yeah, but how much stuff will move to be sold elsewhere once Jita 4-4 hits a %50 listing fee from having a billion market orders? Things moving in this game is content…

there’s lots of stations in Jita.
i don’t see this as a particularly good idea.

If I am not mistaken, the industry index cost is going to be the same for a particular activity in a system, not just a particular station.

The intended effect being to make trade in Jita expensive, or force the spread to adjoining systems.

Cannot say that will never happen, the build fee hike means its cheaper to build stuff in a regular NPC station than in the Sarum Prime Azbel or in the TTT industry structures, even factoring in the additional parts costs…

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Well, we could argue what is life, and what isnt, and what makes life different from non-life, that would be discussion about dead things moving and combinign with other dead things.
The effect would be that EVE isnt or is alive, it never was or always was. Same as you or me.

Car being alive or not, or you being alive or not, is just a matter of changing energy states after all.

Boundaries between life and death cant be clearly defined, when you try to define it.

Life could be after all just a value in human language model, when in fact its only changes of states between different objects building everything, including you.

The oxygen you inhale, is part of it, the water you hold inside your cells are part of life, but where does life starts and where it ends… on which particle of oxygen or water? Think about it.

This would be so glorious

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I hope this is meant ironically.

Something to consider, if each empire was an island, which would make complete sense given their relations, we’d have far more low sec systems to go through rather than just the one or two like Abhazon or Vecamia. It’s a lot harder to gate camp say 40 systems than it is to camp two.

They currently are so dangerous because the campers only need to camp a couple.

Look at the MER, the trade disparity between Jita and the rest of the galaxy is pretty crazy. It would be much better for the game if it were more decentralized IMO. Would add a lot of value to production in different regions, no? As convenient a Jita is.

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Why do you want more empty systems?? Most of lowsec (and null) is empty, except FW systems and around the choke points.

On those who argue in favor, what you really want is an environment so average and dispersed, so you can pretend playing a single-player game.

The choke points where players meet to trade or for mutual destruction are the lifeblood of EvE.

The fact that they appear empty is just an illusion.

Well, empty local outside WH/Pochven means … empty.