Vecamia: Amarr - Jita route

OR… they actively hunt capsuleer ships. None of you get to have fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

So CONCORD ships get infected with a James315 virus and enforce his Code? :thinking:

Well…it’s no problem if the game is ‘destroyed(how is it,they still can do something else)’ for the 10k minority pvp players,if the 20k PVE players can play THEIR game in peace…majority counts that may be new for you but the loudness of PVP does NOT mean they have the majority,they just are , hm…yes louder :slight_smile: But that does not change the facts of the game…

Ahhh the PvP vs. PvE discussion again … maybe one time the “PvE only” players will realize that their income and what they can buy for it directly depends on the level of destruction in EvE.

The more destruction and the more opportunities for destruction the better for all, miners, module farmers, producers, content seekers, even buyers (because there are producers in the first place, only making a profit if things die).


You will never split EVE into two and separate PvPvE. Like Yin and Yang, they need each other for balance.

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The flaw with your argument being that PvE players are the favored targets of PvPers.

After all, who doesn’t love to pick up effortless kills against a target that has no turrets and only 25~50 drone bandwidth?

It’s not a flaw.

Well not a flaw with the game at least :wink:

And it is not an argumentative flaw, either.

The strongest motivator to buy a ship and modules off the player market is because you don’t have one already. People who don’t have one are either first time buyers (ex: new players) or repeat buyers (ex: it got blown up).

You could tip the scales towards more destruction currently, and economic signals have high probability they’d still indicate that the both-PvE-and-PvP (aka „PvE but willing to fight for it“) players would thrive and economy would continue ticking. ISK has been so devalued (see: high PLEX prices) that making and keeping it has never been easier today.


Just as a side note, I see this sort of point fairly often: “ISK has been so devalued (see: high PLEX prices)”.

I haven’t made a large effort to check ISK inflation, but just from comparison of prices, volumes and trends over the years, the primary issues affecting ISK prices appear to have other causes. For instance, Procurers have gone way up in price, but this appears mostly to be due to a significant supply/demand change after the mining rebalances.

Plex costs more, but this appears to be rooted in a significant player shift away from “paying to play” (ie., players who buy Plex and sell it to fund their efforts) and towards “playing to pay for Omega” (multi-boxers and others who farm ISK to buy their Omega time). Again that’s a supply/demand imbalance compared to 5 or more years ago.

Many prices have been fairly stable for 3 years or more, and the larger changes in their prices tend to have occurred around the times of CCP changes to the game (Economic Re-balance, Resource Distribution, Siege Green industry changes, etc.).

Anyways, not looking to derail, just something I’ve noticed as a factor other than the generally assumed “ISK is farmed but not lost” view.

Agreed, I honestly can’t think of a single other MMO I’ve played (and there are dozens) that doesn’t have some form of “convenience/fast travel” to get to the various regions for activity. It’s just another one of CCPs’ “you must spend long boring times in space doing essentially nothing” traps to set up easier kills.

Sure, the first time I ran from the ‘town’ zone of an MMO, through the deadly jungle zone, around the graveyard zone, along the walls of the mountain zone, and finally into the lovely elven forest zone in some MMO 20 years ago is a kind of nostalgic memory. Even though it took half an hour and I died twice on the way. But the point of the run precisely was to unlock the fast-travel portal at the other end - it would get real old if I had to repeat that run twice a day (there and back).

Take a look at something like the “Fleet Finder”, an apparently helpful way for players to find fleets to join up with. Get the magic socialization and grouping working to keep players in the game. Except, oh yeah, there’s only 8 fleets posting ads, and they’re all over 20 jumps away. (Except for the one saying “Come learn to PvP! Noobs welcome!” of course.) And so fleet finder goes almost completely unused.

Sure, CCP could put in regional gates for faster travel, but it would probably be better to find some sort of player-driven initiative that encourages corp interaction of various sorts.

Agreed on the very careful design required though. A good design could be an ISK sink, a corp promoter, and likely a war driver. But a “typical CCP” design would just result in another snafu like Ansiblexes.


The null blocks don’t want fast travel options due to fleet proliferation issues. That’s why bubbles are allowed in zarzakh.

case in point:

and the response:

So yeah, don’t expect to get a lot of support for fast travel until that attitude changes.

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The were a lot of fast travel options added to the game in recent years starting with WH and bridges, then Thera, Filaments, Pochven, Zarzakh, the infamous Ansiblex. For me it looks like zooming around the map has never been easier than now.

For examples years ago I had to back probe wormhole chains to get my PI out safely of nowhere NPC nullsec, nowadays I can pop a filament to Pochven, one to get out there, and I’m in Jita.


Why would they fix something that isn’t broken?

That aside, this is such an odd opening. You’re… obviously not “connected” so where did you hear the rumors from, and why would that source make you think the rumors were informational and not someone just trying to will their fever-dream into existence?

I don’t recall. It was likely in a stream with ccpers. Could have also been an offhanded mention in one of the fanfest videos, but I don’t think it was.

That’s a subjective viewpoint, as is someone’s desire to fix it. Ultimately I don’t really care either way, I just thought it would be an interesting discussion. Which it has been so far.

Maybe we need more training to use available forms of transport around eve. Like you said there are options if you learn them.

Not sure, part of the fun playing for my lazy a** is to figure those things out. :wink:

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And here I am, moving my BPO from Amarr to Jita using a shuttle …

If Ahbazon will be a high-sec system, it will break the game and I won’t play a broken game… or I’ll just move to Tama.

I think best I ever got was a 8j connection between Jita and Amarr, via Niarja (pointing to Citadel) and Harva out to Domain. But this requires +7 with Trigs. Also good connections to Jita are via Tunudan, and Senda of course, to Amarr you have Raravoss, Niarja and Harva. All close by. With WH connections you don’t have a filament delay and you can go both directions.