Velocity in space

I’m confused.

Can someone please explain why my ships slow down when I cut power? irl it would just stay at the same speed, minus insignificant friction from space dust, etc.

For example, once I afterburner up to X speed, the ship should continue at that speed when I cut the afterburners.


A very long time ago, a player calculated the friction in eve space and determined that it has the viscosity of motor oil. Eve space is not space, it is a bunch of fish bowls (solar systems), filled with motor oil and connected by hoses (jump gates).


Because gravity doesn’t seem to exist in EVE. And also because it’s a game.

EVE is not a sim.

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EVE are submarines in water

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Probably because a full Newtonian physics model would make for a very difficult game to play.

(also, irl, you don’t get to go faster than light)

Because the almighty devs decided so. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think so. Commands like Orbit, keep at distance, approach, etc, those would all still work just fine. Could still ‘stop your ship’ relative to the local star, etc.

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New Eden exists in a weird parallel universe where there exists particles called “Constant Chromium Particles”, or CCP for short. These do a lot of weird things, including slowing ships down.


Someone has never played the Kerbal Space Program. :wink:

tldr: Anything closely resembling “true” physics is extremely tedious and leaves little margin for error. Not fun for the average laymen.


More fun than motor oil

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I LOVE that game! Those little green Kerbals are just cute. I always feel bad when I maroon a few of them in space. Good thing they respawn a couple of hours later.
I’d swear one of them was designed around Tom Hanks but maybe it’s just me.

Because otherwise this would happen:

Once, a long, long time ago in a universe far distant, I played Wing Commander. That was, more or less, space physics irl and it was no problem - I thought it felt real enough.

Anyway, thanks for the explanations - it helped.


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So did Freelancer. It was never much problem

I remember the docking process in Elite, even before Wing Commander. You had to control your angle, velocity, and rotation vector, or you just crashed instead of docking. So I was panically avoiding to hit any asteroids in the tutorial until I learned bumping is no problem. There’s so much in this game physics may don’t approve, but help to concentrate on other, more important aspects.
After a while you are happy to have it the easy way and don’t spend your time in proper piloting, for I’m not that much in microing. This isn’t “space flight simulator”.

Tractor beams are a wonderful fictional invention that allow one to not have to worry about docking.

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