Vendetta Mercenary Group New Management!

You are free to release what ever information you have as far as me being a scammer, but since Im not ill go ahead and call your bluff, Release what you have I will wait, In the meantime you can go make your own thread to behave like this on. The upstanding VMG thread is not the place. Good day sir, your alliance fought valiantly but you have lost, Please move on.

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Well you filled the previous thread with offensive materials for more than 1000 posts. Now you are crying about trying to become the victim here. People must know who you are and what are you selling. Aside from confidence scams, stealing and trolling.

The advertised services are scams. Offered by Jita isk doubling services and trade scammers.

To be fair heā€™s posting the same kind of crap in this thread that you and your guys did in the previous VMG thread. Why the double standard here? The stuff specifically about the images and who they belong to is the exception, but you guys were literally doing th same kind of posting before. If you canā€™t take it, donā€™t dish it.

I also noticed that your image advertises citadel contracts while the OP contradicts that. Has this changed? If so I have a job for you.

I retract any previous negative opinion of VMG.

I endorse this service seeing how all the negative parts were cleansed out.

Maybe this version of VMG will recruit you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ask RIOT what I told them last time they tried to recruit me.

Iā€™m not talking about it here :slight_smile:

can you substantiate these scam trades or alpha account circumvention (iā€™m not even sure what restrictions youā€™re even talking about with that one), Otherwise please stop spamming our forum in hopes of getting @CCP_Falcon to close it.

tbf If you think what weā€™re doing is bannable perhapse you should instead just open a support ticket instead of trying to throw ā– ā– ā– ā–  at the forums.

all in all I believe CCP falcon is correct in the above statement.

@Faylee_Freir We never accused the old VMG of being jita scamers or alpha account circumventers (yea, those are some pretty dank claims /sarcasm) we did accuse them of being poorly skilled which weā€™ve shown to be a fairly valid opinion. So please move your exvmg white knighting elsewhere


Sure you did. Anyone can readily read the forum meta-gaming you did. You canā€™t do that, then turn around and claim innocence and immunity to the same behavior.

Something something not being able to take the heat.

I suggest you start off this rebranding of VMG with some honesty and transparency. Allow people the opportunity to meta-game here and :poop:post just as you guys do in other threads?

This is juicy stuff

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This is a genuine offer to buy the Brand Name: Vendetta Mercenary Group.

To give you guys a fresh start in the market place, I was willing to purchase your used Alliance Name.

I was keen to create a carebear mining corporation with the name, or a new Anti Ganking outfit for mercs down on hard times ( sort of like a half way house ).

Pheonix, you just come up with a reasonable isky priceā€¦



Oh my god please turn vmg into a mining alliance!


Jesus Yaosus, stop being a sore loser -_- lol. Spam their thread with noncoup stuff and just talk about how bad they are like they did with yous. Can also just sit back and watch them failcascade run an alliance.

Whoop ā€¦ whats this then ā€¦

Is this Daddy Diequietly STFU whome it is rumoured to have scammed multiple null alliances out of assets including supers and titans also the mastermind behind the VMG take over ā€¦ showing the new VMG how to NULL too funny ā€¦ I cannot believe NC even have you, with your rep!

What contract would you be doing our there I wonder.

TBH Faylee we are pretty open if you go up and read our 1st post about what we do, and donā€™t do, or Jump into our public chat VMG Hub. We post these images because they advertise our alliance. we have them why not use them? plus itā€™s just funny to us.

Do you honestly believe us asking (old)VMG to stop advertising ā€œhuntingā€ when they donā€™t do it, or pointing out they rely on blues too much is the same as Yaosus claiming Iā€™m all of a sudden a jita scammer and just making stuff up is the same?
Also when we troll it is all about in game yet yaosus (also Khrom and Natural) like to bring RL into things (again most of it he makes up) but still YOU even called him for it on your old forums, while there are lines WE wont cross Yaosus apparently has none.

I would be linking my memeā€™s back at him however if you read what CCP and the ISDā€™s are askingā€¦ again it involves reading up so let me remind you.

Once again if you would like to discuss anything with us feel free to jump onto our public chat and talk in game about in game things VMG Hub


Is this on topic?

If youā€™d like to discuss black screen apon undocking i guess itā€™d be yeh haha

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Oh wow the ā€œbestā€ high sec ā€œmercsā€ already losing a loki on the Jita undock??? Lmao priceless.

is it a bird! is it a plane! no its a HS merc with a cloak Marmite 3.0 Tora will be proud.

Maybe he had the cloak so he could cloaky camp the jita undock and catch whatever warps offā€¦but I doubt that cause they donā€™t hub campā€¦but he died on the Jita undockā€¦so conflicted on what to believe :frowning:

blackscreen undocking from the 4-4 is fairly common