And yes it was a stupid mistake on my part. Sometimes you get tunnel vision when looking for enemy ships, and completely miss the criminal-standing stations 5,000km of the gate. I did receive assistance, but the core ruptured before they could help. They did, however, recover the escape pods and boats, and everything aboard the wreckage that survived. I will have nightmares for some time of losing 2000 souls under my command because I felt the risk and saving of time to cross into allied space was worth it. Obviously not. But when my father, Senator K’haine, found out what happened and who was behind it, it generated a small public outcry, as it also did in Amarr.
But the ship has been rebuilt and named “Scorpion’s Den” (dropping the “The” from the previous name) is in shakedown and the venue (same name as the ship) has been installed in the custom socket the shipyard installed to put the Den back into place. Please feel free to drop by for a visit or extended stay.