Version 18.07 - Known Issues

And my second post was about the patch notes being vague in its explanation of what drops where.

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I’ve looted salvaged over 150 wrecks and found nothing new. Even if the drop rate is low how is it the the new items that drop on trig ships drop like rain in a thunderstorm? Sounds a little unfair

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I don’t know if this fits here, but the link in the launcher to open EVE in Twitch leads to a non-existing game category.
The link:
removing that “&origin=launcher” at the end of the link fixes that error.

By the way, it’d be nice to have twitch drops for watching EVE streamers like other games do. That usually gets more views in those games.

So I hear (not confirmed ) the loot that drops is from only the edencom guns (I forget the name) and the edencom orca wtf

Suddenly this afternoon, Alpha login rewards not available immediately after DT - timer showing 6hrs until next is available. The Proving Grounds rewards had reset as normal. Omega login worked fine, having reset properly. Looks like the Alphas are suddenly working off a real 24 hrs since last claimed…

Expanding on this: it isn’t alpha accounts specifically. The fix for collecting two days of rewards when reaching full SP bar appears to be to set a 24 hour cooldown instead of ‘next reset’ cooldown. Saw this on an Omega account today.

This is sub-optimal behavior for players with erratic online times.

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fix werpost sentry gun so ppl cant abuse it to scam others


Just delete CalNavy EDENCOM forces completely and save us the bother.
RIP Calmil, RIP NPE, RIP Mission agents…

They are so bad they have to kill***** on Triglav to score

Didn’t even have the heart to list the Minor Victory systems…

It’s getting harder and harder to raise Caldari standings with all the damn agents getting locked up :sadparrot:

Fix it ?

I thought it was working as intended

This is a beautiful sight and I hope for more soon.

It is so badly broken. And CCP doesn’t even seem to care.

I would like to be able to congratulate the Kybernauts for a good victory.
Instead we get this **** and your ‘victories’ in State systems are hollow.

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What’s broken about it ?

Caldari forces are ridiculously weak vs Trigs - that’s what’s broken about it. It is exceedingly difficult to hold Caldari systems just against the NPCs because the EDENCOM forces in Caldari systems are a joke. It’s utterly unbalanced, as I mentioned to you in another thread.

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Well that’s balanced out by the fact that Amar are super strong Vs trigs

Except that’s still not balanced. EDENCOM is represented as a joint force - it shouldn’t be ‘weaker’ or ‘stronger’ based on which Empire’s space they are in. It should be consistent fleet composition galaxy-wide - so the players are actually what matters, not the NPCs. Also, if the Trigs have such a hard time in Amarr space, why do they keep invading it so much? That’s utterly illogical.

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Isn’t there alot more amar space than the other races ?

According to Dotlan, there are approximately 1600 empire systems, including faction warfare systems. The Amarr Empire has about 37% of empire space at 608 systems; Caldari State has 20% with 326 systems; Gallente Federation has 24%/388 systems; Minmatar Republic has 17%/280.

Compared to invasion attempts - including current in-progress invasions:
Amarr Empire: 56% (47 of 83 - 2 in progress, 5 Triglavian victories, 40 EDENCOM victories)
Caldari State: 21% (18 of 83 - 16 Triglavian victories, 2 EDENCOM victories)
Gallente Federation: 17% (14 of 83 - 5 Triglavian victories, 9 EDENCOM victories)
Minmatar Republic: 5% (4 of 83 - 2 Triglavian victories, 2 EDENCOM victories)

EDIT: This does not account for Minor systems that have been invaded multiple times and may have flipped states or been further reinforced; while Kybernaut Clade tracks the latter, they don’t have clear history listings on the former, so I excluded that metric entirely - each system is thus counted only once based on current controlling entity.


Due to Amar being strong Vs trigs it’s alot harder for us to push the system if edencoms numbers match ours.
Gallente space is about even and caldari space is in our favour. Minmatar I haven’t done one of those so I’m unsure yet.

And as I said, it SHOULDN’T MATTER which Empire you are in - what’s the point of EDENCOM being a joint operation if it is still Empire specific and the underlying Empire control, not player action, determines the outcome 9 times out of 10? That utterly devalues the ‘players decide the future’ claim about this event.