Version 18.07 - Known Issues

:red_circle: Thank you CCP, another morning with chat issues. First you spam me with Disco/Reco messages and then you close several channels. Much appreciated.

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We’ve had some trouble joining fleets.

Linked a fleet in chat and some people were able to join and some were getting the message that they were not ‘eligible’ for fleet. It also didn’t appear in the fleet finder.

Advert was double and triple checked. People in the same corp were both able and unable to join fleet so we are pretty certain there wasn’t a problem with the advert.

Most of those that couldn’t join fleet were able to fix it by logging off and back on again. But even after that some had to be invited directly.

On top of that i had another bug where dragging and dropping ammo into guns on the fitting window appeared to only load some guns. Turns out all guns were loaded, but the UI was confused. The graphic for most guns did not appear as loaded but i could not unfit the guns ‘because they are loaded’. Closing and re-opening the fitting window did not work. Leaving ship and re-boarding fixed it.

for the last 3 days i have had constant chat issues.

[15:27:04] EVE System > Connection to chat server lost
[15:27:14] EVE System > Connection to chat server lost
connection lost
over and over.
ive changed nothing my side and the game works fine just the chat is screwy

:red_circle: Something even funnier happened to me now:


Set desto to a random whatever and then make the last waypoint a station in your current system. Then optimize the route. The in system destination disappears from your route. Lovely.

The key words are tutorial mission.

Create a clone on clone bay(if you want to keep your augmentations) jump in to the clone, set new home station at beginner station… seldestruct the new clone. wake up on beginner station.
Restart tutorial mission.
In some cases you can abbort now. So abort the mission and it is fixed.
In other cases relog and it is fixed.
In other cases you must run the 2 mission with a bugged UI. better you know some shortcuts.

  • go in corvette
  • undock
  • Ctrl + Tab --> to hide all windows(the windows are there but not vissible).
  • warp to mission (set command by mouse RB)
  • “q” aproach target
  • Crtl + left MB --> targeting
  • “F1” Fire and click target
  • Alt+F1 for after burner
    should be general shortcuts and not modified

fly safe o7!

:red_circle: Thank you CCP for another evening with chat disconnects and closed chats.

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Yeah this is getting kinda annoying. Makes it very difficult to anything with other players when you can only communicate via evemail

This was like this almost 2 yrs ago when I first started!

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AAARRRGG its the horrid RED DOT!!!

Yeah, that issue has been active for way too long.

@CCP_Dopamine - since the launcher updated over the weekend, it is no longer closing when told to do so - am now having to kill it via Task Manager. Tryingf to shut it down via Steam is not working either.


Mwd cycle displayed is messed up if you try to mwd cloak after jumping through a wormhole. Was able to recreate consistently.

I had this problem once myself yesterday (and yep, killed it via task manager) but twice since then I’ve been able to close the launcher by clicking the X or by right clicking it on the task bar and closing it there.

:red_circle: Spot the error:

Route will take you through low sec?

Screen shows route destination from your current location, maybe the low sec systems are en-route from the pickup location to the destination?

Why release new ships if you are not going to make it plausible for people to be able to use them? over 2 bil for a battleship skill? really CCP?

Have you tried not being poor?


Also, the skill costs 136.5 million from the Buy and Train window, not 2 billion. What’s wrong with you?


Cant play a game to report ‘actual’ issues and bugs if the servers are trash and you cant play long enough before you get logged out.

CCP…are the servers under DDOS atm?..this has been happening to me alot in the last 3 weeks. If there not under attack…what the F*** you do to your servers, cause there nothing wrong from my end.

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He probably was talking about Jita price at the time. That’s funny that CCP undercut the peops with early access to them books by so much when they added it to the buy it from anywhere feature.

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