Version 18.09 - General Feedback

If CCP fixes sun glare, I will thank you.

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First i still don’t understand why x-type can be better than some officier …

Can you explain why all corporation to buy core are in the north ?

dumbest thing ever, I currently don’t want to play

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Why nerf the stalwart shield boost amplifier :confused: Thanks for making more fits useless

I miss the drone HP bars on some characters when they are in the drone hangar!!Drones

Speaking of the red dot infestation… I no longer get red dots with most cargo items…

… but when I clone jump, I get a red dot number on my NEOCOM that corresponds to the number of implants in my new clone. IOW, if I jump to a blank clone… nothing… when I jumped my 3 toons into clones with 5, 6, and 8 implants respectively, I got a red 5, red 6, and red 7+…

That is wild.


cat red dot

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Courageous Capsuleers,

The Triglavian Invasion will soon reach its zenith, and as this finale approaches, both the Triglavians and EDENCOM have reported that Capsuleers loyal to their respective causes will be rewarded!

In the continuing fine history of CCP’s rapid thoughtful response to player feedback.

Jump into the conflict before it’s too late and choose your side, as any Capsuleer who has obtained standings with EDENCOM will receive :large_blue_circle: while those with Triglavian standings will continue to receive the :red_circle:

Capsuleers, It’s time to declare your allegiance!

BLOPS buff is very much appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face: :smiley:
Thank you CCP.

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What a storm over such a trivial matter. Red dots? So what they’ll get around to fixing it eventually. Meanwhile enjoy the game.

Missions & NPCs:

  • A number of changes to Abyssal Deadspace NPCs have been made to improve balance and respond to player feedback.

@CCP, could you be a bit more detailed and precise, please


I think that giving us gifts that " expire" is kind of silly. If I want to sell them or save them for down the road, I should be the one to make that choice. So really not gifts – entirely.

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Expiring gifts is one thing. Gifts that expire in a week, contained inside of packages that can be redeemed for up to 180 days - that is just facepalm.


The black ops changes! Yes! Thank you :slight_smile:

Am I the only one that remembers Hilmar on Twitch last year announcing the “Era of Chaos” and it lasting up to 18 months? He wasn’t kidding.

I really need to find that video and clip it for those that forgot.

I was expecting the mining to thing to come in today but nothing in that patch notes to suggest this or have missed it ?

Resource changes are slated for mid October.

Hey karkur =)
Can you forward that then you change clone, you get a red dot on ‘item hangar’ but if you click on ship hangar and then back it goes away again. Can red dot be removed for clone changes? Thanks for reading.

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I miss ccp soundwave

I miss CCP.