Version 18.10 - General Feedback

I can’t launch the game, the launcher is saying that the account have been launch but no error message and the game is not started.

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+1 for this

This system (Alikara) is filling up with angry people because the gates in work, but the gates out do not.

Please! Corinthian Cosmonaut Pineapples! Fix this!

Win7 here, cannot get the launcher to work. Tried a full reboot amongst many other things.

An option to use the old font would be nice… this new flavor feels overly ‘contrasty’ and the spacing looks all wrong. I’ve tried all three sizes (reloading client) and none of them feel right.


As much as i´m thankfull for the Ctrl+Shift+F9 option, please consider to somehow minimize it, move it or remove it, since now this “Ship exterior view is disabled” thingie is right in the middle of the screen and is to little use and quiet a bit of annoyance.

Is there an ETA on when we can actually play the game again? Take the server down or turn on the gates, make lore about it, I don’t care. But don’t lock people out of being able to play.


Consider this message an official petition to the management to dismiss the inadequate people who came up with all this ■■■■ with the gate.


That would be the management themselves


+1 to petition


I’m using windows 10

@CCP_Dopamine All wormholes looking like a frighole atm, guess its a bug?!


some bright spark mustve thought of this, time for them to resign.

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F for all people trapped in Tolle :smiley:

so new font it might be good for higher res screens but for me i turned back to small, i find it easier on my eyes.

ore changes have make my local astroid belts just a random place in space with potential rats, there is nothing out here. so now the only possible way to get sov belts if you start from 0 is through moon mining and potentially a random ore cosmic.


Stuck in Eurgrana, It has 2 gates, one connects to null other connects to High Sec… Both gates are not working…

It would be helpful if we could adjust the context menu font size to something that doesn’t require squinting or face planting our screens


“Hey pro-edencom! Thanks for participating in our event and creating fun opposition for the kybernauts! Well fought, you got over 100 victories! As a reward you are locked out of further content.”

Dick move.


He’s called Hilmar.

He’s got quite a history of stellar ideas.


#it’s not a bug, izza feature! sarcasm intensifies