Version 18.10 - Known Issues

Yeah… All programs closed except the Eve client. Just started happening today.

Launcher eating up TONS of CPU usage.

CCP bitcoin mining in the background again?

Aura tells me upon character creation, that my UI has been knocked out by some random effect… Yet…

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image , launcher using 3 time more cpu than the gamer

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Ditto - new launcher consuming as much as 80% of CPU and taking far longer to launch a client. What the hell have you done? Is it those bloody silly Halloween animations top left?

For the time being workaround is to loot it into fleet hangar, that does work.

Activate “Enable hardware rendering” in the launcher options, it’s going to reduce CPU usage.

game launcher using masses of cpu it’s hitting upto 100% cpu and running game i find launcher consuming upto76% cpu

only way iv found to stop it is after starting game is minimise launcher to task bar it drops back to normal under 20% when running eve and everything else but

This doesn’t work on my linux system, but minimising the launcher does.

constantly kicked from server after a certain amount of time loglite came up with errors remote host ended session

Why not just close the launcher?

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All i know is since end trig/edencom patch 2 weeks ago i lost over week play cause stops studders and other bs not getany reimbursmeant diid the tools now says have packet losses but then again i have 50 some servers goes through too connect wth now tonight it laggy as feck minute or longer delay when click anything but i cn not get problem solved ridiculous had no issues till that patch honestly wish just take it out game not only one with issues i know original ccp owners re routed me once fixed but guess the koreans dont do anything sad wish never sold too them was good game now nothing but bugs and no solveing needs rollback really when worked for me

Have had this since the patch dropped. Audio stutters, the game client completely freezes for several seconds. It’s pretty much unplayable for me right now, unless I turn audio completely off and get lucky. And no idea when or if they will even care to fix it or roll back whatever changes they made to cause it. Plus we still have that ugly, hard to read, dark grey chat font, that someone thought was a great idea.

This is a funny thing. There are character names in this game that the game cannot look up.

I just tried to look up contracts for a character called “Coalition”. The game does not find this character at all via People and Places, via My Contracts’ Owner search, nor via the Search bar. Neither does the name show up when I use Show Contracts from the character’s Show Info window. A fun new way to conceal your scam activities made possible by #CCPQualityCoding.

As you can see, the name results in the screenshot below are listed alphabetically and the name should therefor be at the first position.

You have to peruse the whole list. CCP’s alphabetical sort is quirky.

No, it is not. That list in particular is strictly alphabetical. Try it yourself.

Any chance this is a case of what you think is a lower case L actually being an upper case i? The upper case i in the in-game font has no serifs, so it is relatively easy to conflate it with the lower case L and its very subtle serif.

Edit: nevermind, you are getting the same behavior from the character sheet, I missed that detail at first.

i did read thru and dint see it mentioned in the known bugs so i ask:
Is it intended that Triglavian Fleets now seem to Spawn in High sec systems that are not even Invaded by any kind?
Just Found a Fleet in Erme - That wasnt even invaded in the first place…

Greetings o7

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Systems with a wormhole to Pochven will spawn Trig fleets, and Pochven has a fair number of high-sec connections via wormhole.

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still no eve music in stations