Version 19.01 - General Feedback

I like them! In fact only came in to say that.

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Yes, its very useless and harmfull for RPG atmosphere. There is neither history nor heritage of millenia of development of various ethnic groups. All were made to come from an incubator. Is everything being adjusted to the “high standarts” of silly mobile apps?


Thank you for coming here to tell us you like all the bugs that I pointed out in that post. That was a valuable contribution to the cause.


Videos in Help section of The Agency! :100: :hugs:


Could you please add new Cards to the Pointer Window, for the new Fleet Finder and the new Help section ?

They should be added automatically, and as far as I can tell they are there.

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Except the only standings I can set are “good” and “excellent”? How is that supposed to work?

Edit: apparently, you can also access the fleet finding through the Agency, where it suddenly DOES have a lower standings option… CCP might wanna integrate those two?


My mistake, they are there. Thank you.

Just put some cheese on them, should be delicious with some whine :smiley:

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Can anyone tell me why ccp are change things that are not broken and break them and leave everything else broken without fixing it, I don’t care about skins I don’t care about fleet changes, what I want is to hunt mining rorquals or ratting supers, get the reaction forces and actually play and have pvp but u broke that aswell, please please fix something of value…

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:red_circle: “Load Charges” isn’t working for me, at least on stacked energy turrets. Also the new fleet discovery tool seems dead on arrival.

LOVE the new background in the Character Selection screen!!

:rage: Please do something with the sound. The sound of this new hypertonel.
New transition sound - me started to get annoyed.
I can’t even mute it separately in the settings.

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" * Removed Ancestry choice from the Character Creation."


One thing I was interested in EVE when I started was the lore. Picking my ancestry and bloodline was important to the persona of my character.

There is no reason to water down the game and remove these aspects which add to immersiveness.


lol. shut up.
This is a product that people pay for. With hours, or money. The product team right now is bad. They do things no one asked for, poorly. They are doing other things people have asked for, poorly.

People should voice concerns. And this patch should not have gone live with NEW bugs, that they knew about. That is horrible game management and an FU to the players. Glad I dont live in WH space anymore, those bros are gonna be annoyed until CCP/PA decides to fix it. But let’s be honest, it could possibly be perma-ignored.

Pearl Abyss in SPAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace


Since the forum is stingy on :heart: I am compelled - nay - forced to quote you on that.


I like a bunch of these little and QoL changes! Thank you for those!

I was going to say thanks especially for giving back music-while-docked because forced muting the music while docked is stupid when people who don’t like it can just turn it down buuuut when I un-and-redocked the music muted again so I guess the music I got was just a login bug … SO no credit for that today!

In addition to being docked AND industry panel interactions AND Planetary Interaction, now the new jump sequence ALSO forces a mute/suppression on the music!

s e r i o u s l y — After it has been reaffirmed so many times that a lot of the playerbase really likes the music, why does CCP [Go out of their way to spoil the music experience] for those who otherwise enjoy it?!

Can’t we please have a checkbox to allow/deny ‘dynamic music suppression’ ? :confounded:


YEAH really?!
While in the same update “Brought back the description tab.”

WHY bring back the description tab but remove the ONE other part of the game that gave it more input?!?!

It’s backwards logic like removing the walk-in-station feature “because nobody was using it” - of course nobody used it, it was never built enough to have value! Lots of us WANTED it to have value, but as it was it didn’t have value so we didn’t bother.


What a poor patch…


clearly CCP is more interested in cosmetics than actual game content. perhaps too many artists on staff and not enough gameplay devs. The ridiculous change to the clone bay station function by putting it on the character sheet is annoyingly tedious. just like adding more and more to the already bloated agency windows. Making things look new is not the same as making new gameplay,. along with the ugly bookmarks can you finally get rid of the red dots (perhaps put them on the agency window?)