Protip: The ship tree window shows what the actual skills are needed for the hulls (and no more) when you hover over the group’s icon, whereas the “show info → requirements” window shows not only those skills but also the requirements for training those skills, recursively.
Notice it does not require Evasive Maneuvering V for these hulls.
But if you check the requirements for the individual hulls they do need it. I know I checked them all. It’s another example of the skills sometimes being unclear., like being able to train transport ships before you have trained racial industrial 5. Many of these mistakes are dotted around the skill tree to trip us up.
Ok, so still broken, just not in the way I previously thought. If it allows you to fly the interceptor, but bypasses the requirement of the hull itself then surely it would at least be helpful to say that? Especially since you’re at a disadvantage vs other interceptor pilots who may only have Interceptors 1 trained, same as you, but have 2 further levels of “required” Evasive maneuvering. Without Evasive Maneuvering 5 I see no reason I should be able to undock any of those ships at all.
Well there is one of the key problems with the whole Expert Systems thing. Giving Rookies access to a ship very early on in their career when they have very few other skills that compliment that ship, be it direct requirements or skills that simply make you a much better Pilot (long list there) is not really a good thing.
The whole System operates on a ‘here’s access to that thing that used to mean you had dedicated some time and effort into learning and training and understanding and improving, but now means you just got leapfrogged straight into it, enjoy!’ basis.
But if I’m a newbro, I could buy the package, only to find out I really didn’t like using an interceptor as of yet, so after a week those virtual skills are gone.
Again the system is designed just to give them a taste of flying an interceptor or barges to entice them to become omegas. If they even like the interceptor package, they can train the actual skills needed while using the system.
Reintroduced reinforcement fleets to Triglavian Werposts and EDENCOM GunStars.
Q: Did something else change here, in the EDENCOM “standing requirement” to be attacked ?
With -0.001 EDENCOM standing I have been effectively neutral, but today a GunStar took a shot at my industrial. Previously they would ignore me and nothing has changed on my end.
the triglavian/edencom standing math never worked. i never interacted with that pve nonsense and some of my accouts get attacked while others are not. i cannot see any connection, just ■■■■■■■■
The ability to have minor negative standings with EDENCOM but not be aggressed was patched out during the Invasion Chapter 3 events. Players were not allowed to be neutral to both during that event. Now you can be neutral to both by killing Rogue Drones or Drifters in the Pochven region - those ship kills (or even just painting them when something else is killing them) grant positive standing gains with Trig and EDENCOM alike.
Added a toggle to general settings in-game allowing UI Inventory Badging (Red Dot) to be enabled or disabled.
Took you long enough. And just in time when the red dot started to behave stupidly again. Yesterday, I got a red dot on a ship that I traded with another character.
That point has already been addressed. Evasive Manouvering V is needed to train the interceptor skill, but is not required to fly them. So if you obtain the interceptor skill through other means (expert system) you can still fly them without that skill.
Evasive Manuvering makes a ship get to warp faster, so it could be said the expert system is a bum steer, in that while one can fly an interceptor, they aren’t flying it with an experience equal to that as someone who does have that skill trained.
Next there will be a Expert System pack T3 cruiser hulls, but not the subsystems…
The whole thing is just silly, use the test server, its free.
This is the single best patch we had for at least a full year. 10/10 would vote for Brisc again - i know he’s been working HARD on this monutmental achievement.