Then how about fixing the issues instead of removing a perfectly well working feature of the game just because the developers are too stupid to code properly? Asteroid belts are the only system that regulates itself and does not allow for unchecked, continuous mining and that was not subject to the dumb and terribly working balancing attempts from contemporary CCP developers.
It is a system that has worked well for nearly 2 decades to make people move around, spread them out, search for richer mining field and has more interaction potential than any anomaly. All newly introduced systems of the last few years, on the other hand, have caused nothing but issues for the economy and players of the game. Instead of removing this feature from whole regions, CCP should take it as inspiration for creating a better system that does not rely on their daftness when it comes to balancing, which has been proven to be ineffective and frustrating for the all players.
Okay, good to know that this issue will remain unfixed for the next decade. By the way, the Bounty System is still temporarily offline even though the announcement topic said:
Stop talking so much rubbish, Elise.