Version 19.03 - Known Issues

I’m sorry but this does not seem to address the core issue. It is well known that the ore in nullsec was based upon the TrueSec of the system. When scarcity was deployed it was obvious that this would leave vast regions of space without ore. The fix to this would have been to change the ore that spawns in these belts not relying on TrueSec. I understand if this is another legacy code issue but I believe it would have been easier to create new asteroid belts that way you could have freely moderated the size, type and scale of the populated asteroids. All this statement communicates is that scarcity is no longer a temporary thing and that it is part of the “EVE Ecosystem,” that you have a very shallow understanding of the mechanics of the game, and that legacy code is something you have been incapable of solving for the past 6 years.


The engineers had a bit of a breakthrough late this afternoon; it looks like an object/memory leak in the camera that ultimately manifests as audio issues.


Why is this such a common and ongoing problem where CCP developers are so clueless about the impact of their actions?


Sounds good. More things in space to shoot is usually a positive. You might suggest to whomever made the belt removal decision consider speaking to the CSM on future decisions so the CSM can do their jobs :wink:

But in any event, getting rats back will quell a bit of irritation in NPC null at least.


Making sweeping changes without taking into account the consequences. Not bothering to check with any of the CSM who could have told you what a complete and utter boneheaded move this was.
Somewhat ironic considering that the whole CSM campaign has started all over again, yet you have clearly demonstrated that you DO NOT LISTEN and it’s just a pointless PR exercise.
Keep eating crayons and running into walls despite anyone with a modicum of common sense telling you that hey, your TOP PLAN for the economy is dumb. Well, if you actually bothered to ask…


I really do appreciate the sentiment here, but if I can provide a bit more context. As a player, I was very honored to serve on the Council for CSM 6 & CSM 7 - I have nothing but respect and admiration for the institution and fellow Council members who devote their time to such a cause. Upon joining CCP I can say, unequivocally, that respect is mutual.

CCP greatly values the work of the CSM, the Industry Changes and overall ecosystem updates couldn’t be done without their valuable contributions and insight. We also spend a good deal of time interacting with the community and relay some fantastic conversations and information through you all bring to the table.


Then how about fixing the issues instead of removing a perfectly well working feature of the game just because the developers are too stupid to code properly? Asteroid belts are the only system that regulates itself and does not allow for unchecked, continuous mining and that was not subject to the dumb and terribly working balancing attempts from contemporary CCP developers.
It is a system that has worked well for nearly 2 decades to make people move around, spread them out, search for richer mining field and has more interaction potential than any anomaly. All newly introduced systems of the last few years, on the other hand, have caused nothing but issues for the economy and players of the game. Instead of removing this feature from whole regions, CCP should take it as inspiration for creating a better system that does not rely on their daftness when it comes to balancing, which has been proven to be ineffective and frustrating for the all players.

Okay, good to know that this issue will remain unfixed for the next decade. By the way, the Bounty System is still temporarily offline even though the announcement topic said:

Stop talking so much rubbish, Elise.


This one will come as obvious, but…
Eve has sound?

Thanks, that sounds promising :slight_smile:

I’ve been playing with the “atmosphere” sound muted, so I don’t hear the bugged gate sounds, and most of the time that works like a charm. However sometimes the muting doesn’t work and I just figured out why: using a cloaking device after gate jumps (like mwd cloak trick) exacerbates the audio problem and makes the bugged sounds audible, despite them being muted. After using a cloaking device once, the rest of the session is borked and I constantly have to reset the audio or turn it off completely, to stop te gate sounds. Perhaps this can help with finding the cause … it’s a tough one.

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I second that. also got a sound build up when using cloak, even when having atmosphere to zero.

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Just thinking out of the box here, but aren’t asteroid belts one of the few remaining systems that require downtime to respawn / refresh?

Maybe their removal from much of space is tied in to finally clearing downtime from the list of weirdness in Eve…

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Yep, it would be wonderful if downtime played no more role in the EVE universe and the removal of asteroid belts is a step in the right direction.

…provided they fix the issues that arise with the removal, such as no more NPC spawns. And be consistent, replace the other asteroid belts as well.

Oh indeed Gerard, I think CCP have held their hands up admirably in not considering the belt ratting and ADM issues. This will likely be a process, not a one shot and done deal - dealing with legacy code complexities on a 23/7 game is never gonna be simple at the best of times, and I’d rather a genuine apology and effort to fix stuff than no progress at all!

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Looks like it. However, downtimes are not weirdnesses of EVE. Other games like Albion Online have a daily downtime as well. Daily downtimes are nothing weird or bad about a game. They give the people developing it a set, predictable time to fix their stupid mistakes, which is much better than rolling or irregular downtimes or hotfixes. On top of that, these irregular hotfixes in particular prevent you from logging in more characters if you have logged in characters because the client could not update files as long as chars are active. So, a daily downtime is much better than what CCP has probably planned and what is most likely going to be irregular downtimes at the weirdest times of the day, interfering with people’s activities when it’s least opportune and desirable.

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For over a year now there have been multiple Market bug issues pertaining to Apparel items active in-game.

Seriously, no self-respecting company would ever allow incompetent code programming to remain active for so long.

With each new game patch update CCP company continues to look more and more unprofessional. The fact that you guys won’t even address this issue says a lot.

Please fix the damn bugs already…


When nobody can find those items in the market, barely anyone is aware of the existence of those items, which means barely anyone is aware of the bug, which could mean it’s a low priority bug?

Imagine there could be an entire region of space accidentally invisible on the map and the regional gates (including the one to Stain) have been missing since day one. If nobody knows about it, there’s no bug!

It’s like that, but then for certain items on the market. It really confused me when I couldn’t find an item in the market search that I was sure existed. Then I found the item on an alt and sent in a bug report. Are those woman’s spectacles (amongst others) still invisible @DeMichael_Crimson ?

@CCP_Swift How does CCP consistently make these same mistakes? Every patch it’s “We added X but didn’t fully take into account how it would affect Y” I’m a Solution Architect, and if I said this on every 4th release let alone every single one, I’d lose my job for incompetence, even once i have to go through a full review, explain why i made the decision i did, how i missed it, etc, it’s literally my job to know how changing 1 aspect of a solution will affect the others. Just like it’s your game designers job to know how changing 1 system will affect the others. what actions are being undertaken by CCP to stop this level of incompetence? And i don’t mean this from a “i’m a raging player because something got taken away” point of view. It is Literally either incompetence at the company, or a serious process issue which needs to be addressed.


Yeah, they don’t show in the market category list and the search option doesn’t work. However 3rd party market apps show active sell and buy orders for them. Now if you have that item in assets, you can r-click it and place a Market order. Also there’s another bug associated with the Women’s ‘Farsight’ Augmented Spectacles, when you type the name in chat and try the highlight / r-click / auto-link option, the game doesn’t recognize them as an actual in-game item.

Same for the Men’s and Women’s Biosecurity Response Team Mask, no listing in the Market category list. However the search option does work for them.

Other apparel items also have Market bug issues, mainly being listed in the wrong category.

Also some items have no r-click option to list or search in the Market.

I don’t care if some people think it’s a low priority bug. It may have been low priority when it was just one single item, but over time more and more items have become bugged as well, thus making the market issue a high priority.

The main issue:
The game is stealing ISK from players who place sell & buy orders for items, especially for items that won’t show in the Market. Same thing applies to items listed in the wrong category, game is stealing ISK from players who place Market orders for those items. Those orders can’t be seen by prospective customers who are browsing the correct Market category for those item types.


Only partially, so choose wisely :smiley:


Long Blackscreen lag and ‘Not responding’ bug issue on very first undock after logging into the game is still present.

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