Yeah, it’s way oversized, and not ajustable. Those with giant 4k monitors might like it. But those of us on laptops aren’t to happy. Just like the ingame map, I agree a setting to go back to the old menu for those that prefer it would be nice.
Just to be entirely clear: I don’t think the new skill plan is perfect. It does need work.
Mostly for working on smaller screens, and not having that gap in the middle. (and that bug about not showing a tooltip on how much skills will cost you.) Oh, and having it being a little easier to scroll up while dragging a skill. Ideally a defined bar at the top and bottom to hover in when scrolling. (the ability to do it with the scroll wheel is appreciated)
Other than that, I like it. the larger text on the bar at the side makes it easier to drag and drop. It’s also easier to get straight to the skills, rather than needing to click the bar below your portrait, there’s now a button for it.
Except Alphas are still locked into a number of total SP that means they can’t extract. SP farmers do it with Omega accounts, and they do it with multi-character training on those accounts to run 3 farming alts per account.
Really … people here saying 2+2=4 and guy over there saying silent majority is not enough clever to make that calculations we may consider they will think 2+2 must be equal to 5 …
I am really seeking for some lvl of coherency and integrity here …
They act like people sharing their personal subjective opinions while they saying x, y,z specialities exist in prior version and new version doesnt have these ,…
If there is there is
If there is not there is not
Nothing to do with silent happy majority lololol
There actually seems to be a bit of a bug there.
If you put in skills which would put you over the 5 million mark, it pauses your skill queue.
(normally wouldn’t have been a problem with the 24 hour limit.)
You also can no longer see how much SP the next level of a skill takes.
Your notes should firstly be this is a UI that should in it’s current iteration been released.
overlapping UI, oversized UI, unstackable window (again) the list goes on.
EvE is not played on a tablet where you use your THUMB to punch though the screen.
It’s a game played with a mouse cursor and the UI windows are sized accordingly and they are (or were) stackable much like an internet browser.
@CCP_Dopamine Man, this game will not raise on the shoulders of people licking your boots …
It will raise if you accept and answer reasonable and descent feedbacks… accept the failiures… be bit humble ,. Listen if people saying “king is naked “ because Not everybody has that courage and mind to do that …
And people who are advocating you when you clearly did something wrong…
They are not helping you… we have an elderly word …
Real friends talks bitter… means real friends who cares about your behalf doesnt cover truths,
, but they prefer to tell these in private may be… but … most of us doesnt have this chance ,
Dont forget that it should change accordingly with a font size selected. Mine is set to small and it looks laughable, fixed at font size exra large.
@CCP_Dopamine is there an ETA for a fix to the FW problem. Plexes don’t actually work at all. There is no way to contest a system and FW players really can’t play the game.
Last time I heard CCP say a number, I think it was on the order of like 10%
Not that different from the number of csm voters (+/- 38k) vs. monthly Eve Online active users (+/- 300k).
Trying to be constructive, although I loathe both the changes to the UI and the contemptuous disregard for all the feedback that CCP had received during testing…
They should at least give us, as a minimum, a mouseover for how long it will take to train a selected skill level before adding it to the queue. (Though I wonder whether a mouseover is sufficiently accessibility friendly for those with impaired vision.)
Either allow MTUs in rookie systems, since they have never been used for station spam and are very poorly suited, or simply remove the ability to rename deployables which would solve the basic problem in a stroke.
At least allow us to have the option of listing the skill categories in the old order. I can just about cope with the blasted monster text, but everything is just in the wrong place…
Or at the very least, give us the option in game settings to revert back to the old skill UI, just like you had to do when you changed the map.
Could not agree more, but I fear CCP will refuse to consider such a basic act of decent, common sense, since it might encourage people to infer an admission of error and monumental misjudgement…
You can no longer simply double click the name of a skill to add it to the queue. No, you HAVE to click on that stupid blue button…
For what it’s worth, I lose 50-60fps just by opening the character screen. Tested both docked and in space.
Single client, 3440x1440 resolution, RTX3070. 270-300fps when docked drops to 230-240fps when I open the character screen. In space, 230-240fps drops to 160-180fps.
First world pains at that level of FPS right, I get it. But when a pretty high-end GPU loses 10-15% of performance just by opening the character screen, other less powerful GPUs are probably doing worse. If this was adding OMG wow capabilities to the game that really added to gameplay, I’d get it - but it’s just putting something there that literally nobody asked for and removed the ability to hide it.
Just checked with an alliance member - he goes from 70fps to 50fps when he opens the character sheet - so closer to 30% performance loss…
You can right click on the skill, or drag it as well.
Hideous. Guuuuuurrrl, those pants are atrocious. And that color looks like swamp algae. Green even went out of style in the army, gurl. Why does her pants have giant cockroach carapace strapped to it? Does she not have any friends to tell her, “ NO!!! Stop the madness.” RuPaul would have a field day critiquing that getup.
It’s really the Gallente males who suffer the most. They have the worst Bottom and Outer options. No access to any of the cool jackets. Unforgivable.
Just a thought - does CCP actually know what hardware sits under their player-base’s clients - do they know the spread of resolutions that their players run, what CPUs, GPUs and RAM is available to their player base? Do they know the split between what alpha and omega pilots run?
That sort of information would be invaluable when calculating the actual impact of a change like this…