Version 19.08 - General Feedback

It’s better, no doubt. Can still do without the big red/blue buttons against the skills (just grey the skills out if they’re not able to be trained).

But a massive improvement already.

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Double clicking skills does not queue them as it did in the old window. Something small to improve.


Can we see how many skill points we have and how long they would take to train, when hovering over the actual skills? At no point do we see this and I’m having difficulty actually finding that info.


New AIR System - SPOILERS:
locked up right from the start, sitting in a docking bay with no UI and nothing happening. had to log out and back in (which was also my first opportunity to claim login rewards - shame on you trying to rip off new players) to get the first even to trigger the tutorial

interesting story, could use some more polish and less restrictions on controls and actions - your scripted ways are not the only ways, allow some player independence.

As UI frames are allowed, disabling the transparent background is blocked, WTF! I can’t even read some of this stuff unless i play spin the camera to find a non-conflicting patch of space to read the pane(s), even after dropping opacity to 0.

Skill UI is horrible, grotesque even. Its like Bloat and wasted space ganged up on functionality to push it out of existence.

No option to import skill plans - again trying to force your own limited views by restricting player functionality? tsk tsk

The SP injector granted in the script is not sufficient to cover the skills the tutorial has us queue, STEALING some of the referral SP, then it locks up again until another logout cycle

F12 : Join Help Channel = Sidebar icon flashes, BUT NO ACCESS TO IT!

and that is as far as I got. I have no intention of having to logout every few minutes because of your buggy scripts and failed QC on a half arsed effort.

Learn to roll back until you can get it more presentable and functional!



how are you supposed to mine Tritanium?


Can you explain what motivated your choice to put 20% EMPTY SPACE between the Skill Catalogue and the Training Queue when viewed in a windowed mode?


Yes. I like the lack of dead space. I don’t like the reorganization away from alphabetical order.

CCP fire whoever was responsible for this mess.

Nobody wants it.

Add this to the long list of failed UI patches, red dot comes to mind right off the bat.

Eve online’s ui is full of bugs, instead of fixing them they go durrrrrrr lets add a new UI NOBODY asked for., make it completely unusable and not space efficient what so ever. , then force it on ALL players without a “try new feature” button like the map., which by the way years later still sucks and literally no one uses it. UI design in this game is so bad that it forces players to rely on a bunch of third party tools to see/parse information they otherwise would never be able to see/do in-game.

Why am i wasting my time? CCP doesn’t listen to feedback.

Keep your tablet-esque style UI in the mobile game.


The more this drags on without any response from CCP on correcting /reverting the issue(s), the more I am wondering the same thing.

time to checking the sales on instant gaming…

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Alphabetical doesn’t make sense for a technical game about different types of systems.
Armor and shield should be next to eachother, because they are both part of tanking.
Missiles and gunnery and drones should be next to each other because they are all part of damage.

Alphabetical is one of the oldest organizational systems to date, and works differently per language.
Eve has many different language speakers playing, which means that English Client players will have a different organization of skills over a Russian player.
In the old (better) UI, all the skills were in the same places no matter what client you played.
How is moving away from that system better for new players?


Good point, I miss the collapsed bar and its recognizable order


Because it’s easier to find things. A new player doesn’t know the old system, and has nothing to compare it to. The old system is only easier for veterans who knew the old system.

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Stick to your own opinions, I am a newish player, and I prefer the old system.


Bad, just bad. Now when new players ask for help to a vet, the vet has no idea how to help them. How is this good for new players?


Okay, I can level with you that a new player wont know the old system, so to them, this is all fine and dandy.
I’d like to mention though, that a new player is only new for a short period of time. After they get the game down, they are no longer new, Everyone eventually becomes an old player, or they quit before they get there.

The old UI, which might look overwhelming at first, explains and showed everything in a technical way that did make sense.

This new UI is overwhelming, but in a completely different way. I can’t see new players playing eve for the long run with this system. Once they get out of “tutorial” mode, where the skill planner is holding their hand, and they hit real Eve, they’re going to quit from the frustration of not actually being taught how skills work.


I didn’t say “newish.” I said “new.” A new player who joins after this change isn’t going to have anything to compare it to and is not going to be confused.

Yes, all veterans have instantly become brain dead because the system changed. Come on, man.

The old system didn’t actually teach how skills work either. The fact that you can get skill plans from other players, that there are starter skill plans provided is light years ahead of the old system, and will be much, much easier to get new players started.

I literally made a skill plan this morning for my alts, traded it to all of them, and had all the skills bought and training in less than 2 minutes. That would have taken at least 10-15 minutes per alt under the old system.

Again, I’m aware that some folks don’t like the new layout. I’m aware that there are plenty of bugs that need to be fixed. I am going to advocate that they get fixed and some questions I have about the layout answered. That being said, this new system has a lot of upsides, especially for new players, and it also has them for vets, too, once you get over something familiar changing.

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boy, I sure am glad to see that everybody hates the skill-queue UI as much as I do. It breaks at least half a dozen basic UI design rules, and is a regression of several key functionalities from the old UIs (yes, I remember the one before the previous one, which was even better because it wasn’t cluttered up with a bunch of graphics and garbage). The only things I see it doing better is having a button to add skills sequentially with a single click, but everything else is utterly stupid.

Whoever designed this piece of hot garbage should, as many above me have said, be summarily fired.


Your splitting hairs on definitions just because they do not fall in line with your own views, and you insult people on top of it? Grow up already. You read like a fanboy who is as bad as CCP is appearing to be in forcing their own views and to hell with anyone that does not share them.


By that logic a new player doesn’t care AT ALL what system is used and learns ANY system presented to them. The tricky thing is to make systems intuitive. Alphabetical sorting may sound intuitive for lots of things but for skill categories it’s not really. The reason for that is that it splits logical groups away from each other. Shield and Armor skills are a logical group, but now on completely opposite ends of the list. Ships and Navigation and Engineering are logical groups but now on random places all over the list. All sorts of Production and Science categories are a logical group but also wildly spread throughout the list. This does not make anything easier for newbies, it makes things harder.

No, it does not have any tangible benefits because it foregoes logic for an arbitrary sorting order that rips related categories apart and makes it harder to check them.


I’m not splitting hairs on definitions. I said “new,” not “newish.”

I’ve already said that I’m going to make sure that CCP knows the views of the people who dislike the changes, and I’ve been doing that already for a week.

Stop whining.

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