Version 19.08 - General Feedback

Hey, just wanted to touch base and let you know that the gap is now smaller, along with quite a few other iterations and suggestions from the community.


Sorry for the lack of response - I promise I always read, but sometimes my dumb fingers forget to hit ‘reply’.

Duly noted!

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Annotation 2021-09-28 161829
when i drag skill from info panel to search box it is not work

i really like to download and load my [skill Plan Content ] from or to my hardware as a file so i can share it outside of game and also use it for my other character.
something like overview setting>misc panel you can export and import overview fileAnnotation 2021-09-28 162434

I like how a lot of the initial issues with the character sheet and skills window are now fixed. Yet still some issues remain, will you continue to improve those?

Character sheet

  • top right of character draggable space → fixed now!
  • ‘history’ tab clipped off in smallest window size → to be fixed?

Skills window

  • Huge gap removed, better use of space → fixed now!
  • Tooltips with amount of SP trained and to train → fixed now!
  • Click through bug that dragged objects behind window in certain places → fixed now!
  • Training time clipping → slightly better, still clipping, to be fixed?
  • A redundant skill window button with size, art and colour skill window not inline with rest of neocom → to be fixed/removed?

Reference links and pictures for the issues mentioned above:

We still have two skill window buttons on the neocom and the big one looks out of place, see here in an earlier post.

(History tab in character sheet clipped off. Notice the bad outline!)

(Clipping of training time with pause button)

I like the improvements, please keep improving the rest of the issues too. Also, can we please hide the posing character on the character window like we could before?

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With the latest update the empty gap between the Training Queue and the left side of the panel is finally gone, we also got the training time back which was really missed.

However I am still of the idea that in the new Skills interface the least useful part (skill categories) is using the most part of the UI, it should be half as tall and about 20% less broad to leave more space for the 2 skill lists (available and queued)

Also, a bit less padding between list items wouldn’t hurt

EDIT: and for the love of god add a non-black border, it is very annoying trying to resize the window while on a dark background


Yes ! Finally an update to the bad UI.

Screenshot by Lightshot (

Oh that went well i guess. Alot of work went into it.

Guess ima wait abit till the skill button apears so i can add some skills :smiley:

There is still one feature that is missing that used to be there. The progress bar for each skill group used to be divided into two parts, that which is trained, and that which is in the skill queue (it used to appear in a lighter colour). Or at least I think I remember that. The mobile app has it.

Also while I am thinking of the mobile app, it will still not let you add more than 50 to the skill queue.

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Honestly i did not expect CCP to go back and actually attempt to fix their hideous UI.
A verry positive surprise.

So the “giant gap” is now only twice as wide as the spacing between columns in the bottom left frame.
A significant improvememnt already but it’s still quite dominant, especially when on a small screen.

The queue on the right is already much easyer to look at but not quite enough.
This seems to be mostly because horizontal scaling stretches the left side and right side frames equally, resulting in giant gaps and wasted space on the left side long before the right frame is wide enough.

Also just leave the mo:d:h out and show seconds. If theres no seconds then what am i supposed to stare at? Seriously though, this makes me paranoid every time wondering if my skill queue is paused.

And top left frame still in alphabetical “order”
You’re just going to shove this questionable benefit down the english speakers throats and leave the rest of the world with gobbled mess, right?

With that said this version of the new skill sheet is literally 10 times less ■■■■ then the first one.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for doing something about it.


Very appreciated, thanks

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What about the suggestion that this was a terrible, terrible idea and that, once more, not listening to the community feedback has bit you in the rear?


I am happy to see CCP fixing some of the problems. Even if it is small steps, it is steps in the right direction.

So Thank you CCP. (I will say thanks, but I will not give any praise, because they are basically fixing their own mess they created.)

The horizontal gaps/spacing in the skill window is better.

But the vertical problem still remain for us with low resolutions. I still only see 2 rows of skills :frowning:

So please CCP listen to your players/customers and keep fixing things. There are still lots of broken or less functional or irritating things… that were better before.

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This looks far better but it’s not there yet.

Why do you guys always need to be yelled at before you do/fix the obvious?


Even when you succeed, you FAIL! OMFG CCP, you STILL cannot see “Time until trained” for skills by hovering over them in the skill queue. It’s is an inconvenient time sink to have to hunt down the skills in the skill catalogue when we SHOULD be able to just point at them in the queue.

And when are you going to fix that massive brain fart of a character sheet that hides the USEFUL info instead of the USELESS portrait?

CCP means to me; Completely Clueless Programmers.


Missions can be in ANY nearby system to the offering agent. Just the other day I was running level 4 security missions and one of them ended up being in a “starter” system. Thankfully, there were not a lot of wrecks to loot, but I tell you this, trying to loot a large volume mission site in a battleship that doesn’t break 400 m/s with AB is a complete PITA! God Forbid I should ever get Angel Extravaganza L4 in a newbro system. I would be pissed off not being able to use an MTU at that point.

I am having an issue with “Missing Neo-com” buttons for the past couple of days.

The neocom bar is there but has no buttons - I have to resize my window then full screen it again to bring the buttons back.

I should add that I run in Windowed mode so maybe it’s just a windowed thing ?

Why not have a salvaging frigate in the frigate bay of the BS? :thinking:


Yes, someone pointed that out to me shortly after my comment.

I feel this is somewhat of an oversight by CCP, as it makes policing actions in these systems more complicated for them than it needs to be.

I even have a Praxis for scanning with a Heron inside for salvaging other peoples sites when I find them.

Might have to start doing that in these systems now.