Version 20.10 - Known Issues

My hangar view after I docked in Amarr. Literally. :joy:


Running under OS (latest Update).
Can confirm Log in is not possible (Last Setup before Update was Low Graphic Mode).

Native Mac Client

    On Macs with an Intel Graphics chip there are sometimes black lines visible on some Ambient Occlusion settings. Workaround: Disable Ambient Occlusion.

The issues are bigger than that.

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Navy Dreads are in the wrong branch in the Ship Tree. Their branch should go off of the Dread, not the branch leading up to the other caps.


Can you provide any details on what is happening? When does the game lock up? Are you using Windows? Which GPU?

In which way does it not work? For smaller windows / resolutions it will have a significantly worse visual experience - but it is pretty great for high resolutions like on 4k screens.

Can you give us more details on your machine? Which GPU? Running macOS Ventura 13.0?

There is a lot of hilarity and fun on the day of the big patch.
But as for the bugs in the images, I hope they are fixed immediately.


Windows10, 2080Ti - this patch = huge performance drop, lagging system out and stressing it.

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  1. when you simulate a ship and mouse hover a drone, it do not show any information now about range etc.

  2. the ESS bank search in the agency is broken the filter to not work

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PLEASE make the new hangar option that you can turn off!!! Instead of loading one ship, now the hangar loads ALL that I have. I damn near wait 20 seconds for the interface to appear. Please remove or make the option to disable


User Interface:
Closing or minimizing a full-screen window no longer restores all other minimized windows.

it is still doing it.

e.g opening the ISIS full screen makes minimized windows become open once the ISIS is closed.

New Phoenix model with skin issues. Yay

And yet I still hear the new docking sounds…



Strategic Cruiser models also do not always tell the old ship in that slip to unload:

I was in my Scythe. Then I switched to my Legion.

Which gives me some cool new bits on my Legion. :smirk: Time to see how many ships my Loki thinks it is. The Loki has loaded itself in on top of my Scimitar:

I mean, it’s a Logistics Loki, so now I guess it’s gonna be packing 8 reppers and getting mega-ginormous bonuses to them all? :wink:

No, wait, it gets more fun!

Swapped to my Basilisk. No problem, landed in a new slip, in the Basi. Awesome. Swapped back to the Loki. Went back to the same slip the Loki’d been in, so good move there. Buuuuut…

My Loki now thinks it’s a Bascilimitar.


Confirming this. Something is funky with transparency on (at least) the classic UI post-patch. I’m seeing through dark background windows in a way where I previously was not.

If you are in the capital hangar view, right-clicking anywhere makes the camera move around even though you have not moved the mouse.

So does left-clicking, if you don’t double-click. Also, don’t swap from a supercap to a regular cap, it’ll end up just barely off the screen to the right.

In relation to this post, it seems I can play on the test server using the test server’s client. That is strange but is that because the clients are different?

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One alt of mine cant enter skill overview at all. No shortcuts no buttons work. I manage skillque via mobile app.

I had something similar to this, the frame rate was throttling. Not sure what caused it, though.

It’s increasingly harder not to be cynical on patch day, so why pretend ?

This is my ship.
There are many like it,
But this one is mine.
My ship is my best friend.
It is my life.
And I’m pretty sure I fitted it properly.

So why aren’t fitted weapons shown anymore in this glorious new Roberts Space Industries tribute ? What’s more important ? The background (which I find oppressively unbalanced, too busy, not to mention the quite creepy aura-like hologram that appears in a dark corner sometimes, the nonsense camera transitions and the omnipresent cloud of illumined smog) or the bloody SHIP ?

This, quite frankly, sucks!

EDIT: after using the ship (undocking etc) the ship model gets updated when in the Upwell structure. Changes to the weapons fitted are from that point onwards also reflected on screen. It appears the visuals only start to update once the ship has been brought into the structure.

And this one has its engines running permanently.


Paragon agent won’t give me a mission