Version 21.06 - Havoc - General Feedback

Adding option to turn them off in settings instead of having volumetric effects at low would be nice. they do tank FPS, especially on lower end PCs. Had a corpmate just go with turning off 3d rendering today

In the trailers they are. and what game is advertised on, but then it’s tidi slugfests

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Another point about actually running ice heists - it’s kind of a silly mechanic that someone can prime the site for one side by pushing in a fast frigate and pulling the enemy rats a few hundred kilometers away from the fight, basically taking away the aspect of the fight over the site.

Caldari State: Plan Condemned by Ocean Faction Meagecorps
Politicians Divided in Wake of Upwell Announcement | EVE Universe

What is a Meagecorp? :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s exactly what it is. we know the majority of the playerbase stays in hisec, yet they never speak up or let their displeasure be known.

would be alleviated if, as i’ve suggested since csm 2? 3?.. the client should not let you login with a paid account until it has voted for csm. for those that truly don’t care, randomize the first candidates listed because those that don’t give a damn will just randomly click one of the first they see.

what’s the highest voter percentage been in 20yrs? 13%? anything under 90% should be null and void and the election done again the following week.


And now again on my own feedback/thoughts of this. As I think I mentioned several times, most groups that live in HS around FW are not really that interested in constant state of war and having to defend themselves. So, how about we do it twice in a row? We just defended Usi and Jeras from going lawless to not repeat the crapshow it was when Usi went lawless for the first time. Now, by some miracle, Insurgency spawned in Ishomilken twice in a row… I know it’s probably just a freak accident, but it looks like some kind of practical joke.

Since it seems nobody cares about those insurgencies being moved to frontlines where actual FW would be done, maybe at least lower the chance of it respawning within the same system or 1-2 systems next to the previous fob to kind of mix things up a little?


It should not be possible to the insurgency to spawn in the same place twice in a row. It makes things unreasonable for anyone wanting to defend that area. The FOB spawning in a constellation should make it impossible for it to spawn in that constellation again for the next two spawns or something like that.


Increased SCC charge from 1.5 to 4% overnight…

Tell me this isn’t a government operation.

Ok, never mind

PATCH NOTES FOR 2024-05-14.1

Defect Fixes:


  • Fixed an issue with icon images on the CDN appearing corrupted.

And what is a CDN?

Content delivery network

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I’m still randomly crashing this patch not sure what is going on, 2 times in the last hour and a bit where I try scan with my probes and nothing happens then it sits there for a minute and a half with nothing working then crashes.

still unfixed. Just like the countless random soundloops that keep playing occasionally.

Just a question out of curiousity: Why do Ruined XYZ Monument Sites not have the same small scan sphere that Desolate Collapsed Conduits have even though they are of the same scan tier? You cannot scan them down with 1 8AU scan cycle, but a 4AU scan gets them to 100%. Yet, they have the same huge sphere that all other higher tier sites like Crystal Quarys or 10/10s have.

Same goes for the Tier 1 Data Sites. They also have the same big sphere instead of a much smaller sphere, indicating their tier up front.

This event makes it wonderfully easy to distinguish the event sites from normal sigs. It would be really nice if the regular sigs followed a scaling sphere size pattern as well. Some Tier 1 combat sites like Bases and Radiance follow this pattern already if my memory doesn’t betray me, so the system is already in place.

@CCP_Bee So, today you nerfed the SP rewards from daily opportunities. Where is the patch note for this? That’s supposed to be Equinox, no?

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Rumor has it they even nerfed the daily login numbers (by removing the launch button).

:smirk: :psyccp: :popcorn:

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I’m sure they’re reading this thread and taking notes as I write this.

I’d say players in a fleet battle are the last to multibox. This needs every bit of attention available. Whereas hi-sec is multibox heaven. Just look at those gank fleets, incursion fleets, hauler-manufacture-miner businesses and whatnot.

opting out of PvP, means opting out of mining…

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And markets

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