Cheers! We’ll continue to monitor Marauder usage after these changes. As mentioned on the directors’ stream, the idea wasn’t to completely nerf their viability, just to tune down the Vargur a bit as it was disproportionally out performing its peers in all instances.
With regard to the buffer bonus, we’re aware that some are a bit concerned with the high-sec ganking elements with the lower EHP and will keep a keen eye on this one.
In the escape menu, Display & Graphics, Shader Quality to low would be how to completely remove the clouds. There’s an option to lower the effects of only clouds through “Volumetric Effects Quality”.
Will relay feedback about the strobing lights to the relevant teams!
There is a second reward track planned for after Revenant, which limited the ability to extend the reward track in duration. However, the teams have heard the feedback and are moving the d14 rewards (the larger SP reward) to earlier in the track so it’s easier to collect for those that aren’t able to log in for all 14 days.
Can we get an option to disable these completely in lieu of the “low” shader setting? Even with Volumetric set to “low” I’m still seeing a 30-40% FPS hit post-Revenant. This is on a single client - no changes to settings.
It’s so bad that I can no longer run more than a single client on my albeit (older) setup.
How about reverting it completely? Since I’ve been back, Marauders have seen:
• Bastion cycle time nerf
• Warp speed nerf
• Buffer nerf
• Various other individual ship nerfs (ie: Vargur)
All of this has been at attempt to curb specific scenarios in wormhole, null-sec and pochven space - which have all been repeatedly hit by the nerf bat the past 4-6 months.
It would be fine if these were 500m hulls with a minimum of skills, training and investment required - but they’re not.
I did exactly this I paid the 200plex to make the skin I listed it to corp only and one member was able to license it, I now am expected to pay another 200plex and sequence it again for all 75 corp mates. CCP thinks this is somehow fair to players to expect a corp to spend 200 plex per member just to use a feature of the game they push as free. And no this is not a complex skin
We know how it works. Some of us just don’t like it.
I can tell you, for me (a long-time, casual, non-nullsec player), this expansion has been a huge let-down. The one thing relevant to me was the new ships. You hyped them up along with the new weapon systems, and you got me interested. I actually marked the date of the expansion on my calendar. I was ready to login Day 1, buy the skills, and start training to eventually use the new ships. What a rug pull.
Look, I expected a delay in the production and availability of finished goods (i.e., “the ecosystem”). But gatekeeping the skills like you have? Not only making them exclusive to a perma-camped vendor in a hostile area of space, but also requiring copious amounts of some non-ISK currency to buy them (presently valued at ~8.3b ISK)?
Net result: I no longer care about your new ships and weapon systems.
Will I care about them in 2025 when the market levels off and “the ecosystem” catches up? Maybe? Who knows? We’ll probably have moved on to the next expansion by then. Regardless, you’ve definitely killed any momentum I had for this patch. If “disinterest” and “apathy” were design goals for Revenant, then well done I suppose.
By the way, just in case you weren’t aware: not every one of your customers plays this game like its a full-time job.
Why are you oppressing the already oppressed people of Minmatar?! With the Revenant update, you have reduced the additional range from 10% to 7.5 for each level. You also reduced the CPU from 625 to 600! Unlike other traders, you have worsened Vargur twice. Why do you hate Minmatar so much?! Please return everything as it was. And the fact that players use 3 XLASB is their business, not yours. Stop oppressing the Minmatars! Go back to how it was before this update, that is, make 10% additional range for each level and CPU 625! The Minmatars had already suffered injustice from the CCP team before this update! Stop strangling Minmatar already!
Can we please get the option to disable the ship background? White text on a transparent background with a light-colored ship behind it… This is actually worse than I saw at first. Do you guys do accessibility passes at all?
Please make it possible to enable the old ship information window. The new window may be prettier but it’s terrible in terms of information presentation, it’s extremely difficult to read anything there, the ship is blocking everything in the background.
Minmatar Tech 1 Destroyer Thrasher is not included with the 1 PLEX Ship Skin Sale in the NES.
Checked another account and all 4 Empire Tech 1 Destroyers each have 3 different skins available for 1 PLEX each, my mistake for not checking before I posted.
Seems I bought the 3 different Tech 1 Minmatar Destroyer ship skin deal for 1 PLEX each sometime in the past…
So Multiboxing for PVE using the stacking damage of several accounts seems like a good deal for CCP…right?
Stormbringers… idk how they work but i think with several alts working in tandem?
Ishtar Alts? drone bunny? … yes
Kill bots… yes
active gameplay … yes
i just want muh drone bunny
i know you secretly hate us its okay