Villore Accords are one of the oldest remaining dedicated Faction Warfare Alliances. The primary goal of the alliance is to secure Gallente Federation territory from attack, primarily focusing on the seditious Caldari State threat across all regions of space.
Based out of low security space, GMVA fleets regularly fight Caldari alliances and corporations in Placid, Black Rise, Essence, Verge Vendor, and the Citadel. In any given month, there may be hundreds of hostile ships destroyed by our operations, and we are proud to have maintained an excellent record of combat efficiency.
We welcome pilots of any age or nationality that would like to focus on Faction Warfare, as well as welcoming industry focused pilots who may take advantage of our various moon mining facilities and our sovereign null-security systems.
We have a welcoming, family atmosphere and are considered one of the more established Role-Play corporations in Eden. We also enjoy tournament play and have placed well in previous Alliance Tournaments, something we hope CCP will embrace again in the future.
If you’re interested, please apply in game and one of our directors will contact you directly.
GMVA Discord - Look for the Open Recruitment Channel or jsut come along and hang out!
Pop any questions you have on this thread and I’ll do my best to field them!
SMS - Director