Vote on Niarja

That’s true for some if left to their own devices without anyone’s involvement. As far as I’m aware with this system even the kids encourage each other.

200000 years of modern man competing with each other, other human variants and the environment in order to survive and prosper…

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Yeah, and what a state society is in. The human race is capable of much better.

Anyway, I for one will be interested to see how it progresses.

Without getting into too much detail or political, i think we already are.

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Without all that competition we’d still be beating each other over the head with sticks.

Competition begets innovation.

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The issue was never with there being division due to winners and losers from competition. The issue was always that the winners could be toxic to the losers. And to prevent that requires a great deal of parenting (I’m assuming, as I don’t have kids). People don’t want their kids being toxic little shits, but at the same time, they’re not willing to put in the work, so they take the path of least resistance, which involves deleting the source of the problem.


Yeah a few world wars and our weapons advance ten-fold.

While wars are indeed terrible things, out of those wars came massive advances in medicine and science that have benefited humanity as a whole.

Not to mention all the tech based on those advances that make the modern world tick.

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We’re on the verge of another internet argument becoming about Hitler :joy:

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I don’t do Godwin, others might.

Murphy’s got a better law anyway.


I saw it more as a discussion, a fairly civil one at that.

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I’m just glad the ISD’s have their whistles put away. Cause you’re right.

I’d be impressed if CCP had the balls to just say “congrats, you’ve had your fun, but some highsec scrubs and crybabies want their safe space back, so we’re going to reset it.”

The comparison between EVE and sports for kids is pretty ridiculous. There’s an immense difference between a mandatory thing that everyone is required to participate in whether they like it or not and a game that you sign up for with very clear warnings that it’s a competitive game where defeat is possible. It’s like buying Dark Souls instead of a mindless farming game and complaining that you died.


Except the voting on Niarja has already been done, and we voted for it to become Trig space. Sorry you thought you’d just win and not need to vote but you don’t get to cry and call a revote now

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You started a new character just to repeat the same thing half a dozen posters already said?

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Yeah I made this character all the way back in 2012 just to tell you that

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That invasion is STD

Systems Triglavians Destroy

And as with every STD, you dont wanna go there.

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2012? So after nine years of silence, this deep thought was the thing that got you to make your first post?


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