Vote on Niarja

I doubt that. While the new route to Jita from Amarr has many more 0.5 systems, the number of lucrative targets will still be the limiting factor.

So old, lame and boring.

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Itā€™s a part of the game now.
If you donā€™t want to bother with that,
then you donā€™t want to bother with playing the game.

Thatā€™s fine.
You know what to do.

When ā€œhow they want to play itā€ goes against how the game works ā€¦
ā€¦ and how many other people wish to play it ā€¦
ā€¦ then by all means, they should quit.

In case you havenā€™t noticed, though ā€¦
ā€¦ people have been saying that ever since the BlackOut.

Thereā€™s zero evidence that theyā€™re quitting ā€¦
ā€¦ or that their quitting matters.

You donā€™t like to play the game ā€¦
ā€¦ then yes, go play a different game.

Youā€™re not entitled to having it as easy as you always had.


The sum of all changes since BlackOut, so far, clearly answer this question.

You just need to properly look at them.
In fact, youā€™ve actually already figured it out.

They are, or at least they donā€™t mind, otherwise Narnia wouldnā€™t have fallen.

Itā€™s just a loud, whining minority who arenā€™t.
They stand out, of course.

(not counting those who simply wish to fight for EDENCOM, who just RP opposition)

Remember, most people donā€™t ever actually post anywhere at all.
The silent majority passively votes on changes through presence or absence.

As there is no increased absence to be noted ā€¦ (like lower login numbers throughout the day)
ā€¦ and as thereā€™s no significantly increased presence to be noted ā€¦ (in form of weaklings posting)
ā€¦ we can safely conclude that the silent majority has no issue with this whatsoever.


It will be almost impossible for CCP to remove.

Unlike other events players worked hard to change these systems.

If CCP comes in after the fact and just changes it back, that would be an act of sandbox desecration unlike anything they have ever done and pretty much indicate that all player accomplishments are up for grabs.

What would be next, take some systems away from the goons?


This will help all players in eve, even high sec players in time they will understand.

High sec players can think just as well as null and wormhole players.

Know how I know that? Most null and wh characters are alts of high sec players.

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Then why are they the only ones complaining about high sec being broken up into segments, having a strong local economy means less travel time for them which increases profits and gives them more time to play the game compared to getting and selling stuff.

I was the EDI FC who commanded the brunt of the defense effort in that system and I agree with this message. Local was constantly peaking above 500 and 600. Hundreds, potentially thousands fought over that system. Retroactively removing it would make the efforts of everyone who endured the soul-crushingly boring PVE aspect of the Stellar Recon phase, as well as the more exciting, but lopsided content of the First Lim phase, entirely moot. That more than anything would cause players to leave because the one defining feature that puts this MMORPG above others is that player actions can have a direct impact on the game and its lore because it is supposed to be one big in character sandbox. If people wanted that system to be saved so badly, they should have joined the public fleet and helped out, BEFORE it went First Lim, so that they could use their magical PVE powers for a good cause for once. Whilst some people cowered elsewhere, my Fleet Comp was showing that even newbros in Kestrels had come out to fight their battle for them, and that is a depressing fact.


Are ā– ā– ā– ā–  disturbers pretending to be whatever gives them maximum entertainment. Like always. Since day one.

You believe what you want because your confirmation bias wonā€™t let you see anything else.


Less meth, more logic please.

I will in fact double down and say that everyone in this game had advance warning about the consequences of inaction:

  1. The Scope - Triglavian developments and fighting in Hek:
  2. The Scope - EDENCOM Prepares for Triglavian Invasion:
  3. The Scope - Raravoss conquered by Triglavians:
  4. The Scope - Total War Rages in New Eden:
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[citation needed]

besides, from CCPā€™s own research, players who get ganked actually end up sticking longer at higher percentages than carebears who just mine all day, get bored, and quit the game.

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They couldā€¦ In a manner of speaking. Goons did technically invade the empires. Itā€™s only logical they they get invaded by those very empires in retaliation at some point. Imagine if they were all reduced to -10 standing, banned from docking in empire NPC stations and player station owners got sec status reductions for allowing them to dock and/or trading with them. Imagine if their empire space stations and assets were seized or sieged by the empires. Imagine it. Nullsec being turned into low or hisec if they donā€™t spend all there time grinding empire sites. Could you imagine the sea of rolling heads as far as the eye could see? These are the guys who crying rivers of salt because of drifter invasions. Now, of course, CCP wouldnā€™t simply take the systems, but they would be vulnerable to empire conquest. At least they wouldnā€™t have to worry about a carebear coalition coming into null to fight for their empire. Just their fellow null mates who didnā€™t piss of the Big Four. Maybe this would bring them all together in solidarity toā€¦ hahahaā€¦ I couldnā€™t keep a straight face.


You presume that everyone knows whats going on at all times and that anyone who did not show up made an willful decision to not participate. I myself did not even know about any invasion until is was already 18% Edencom. And I only found out because I was checking a live Uedama/Niarja gatecamp twitchstream because I was heading to Jita (luckily thru Uedama) for the first time. Many people, DAYS after Niaja fell, still had no idea it was ever invaded. I think there are still people to this hour with ships running thru there on auto-pilot like nothing has changed. We tend to sometimes forget that their are people outside our bubble. This idea that everyone is up to date on everything going on at all times is a false premise. Many people never so much as had the opportunity to decide because it was all over before they even knew it started.

And when I went to the Edencom chat I was told I couldnā€™t participate because I couldnā€™t fly anything bigger than a T1 frigate. But here youā€™re saying you had kestrels? I had a Breacher. Why did you tell me Cruisers and up only?



I was commanding a 130+ fleet so I personally didnā€™t tell anyone anything because I didnā€™t have time to inspect fits. I was inviting anyone who Eā€™d up whilst trying to make sure that all four wings had everything they needed to perform their tasks. There is also a high chance that you tried to join at a time when I was not holding the star and ran into a person with a different set of standards. I pulled the system back from 15% to 26% before I had to go to bed for a few hours, so it was technically at 18% three times during the stellar recon phase and once during the first lim phase. Bringing a frigate is rough but entirely possible. When I started doing trig invasions, I did so in Slashers and Condors because I had not yet realized that PVP was not a thing during the stellar recon phase. To add insult to injury I had to wait out timers whenever I popped a suspect. Imagine that. A competently piloted Breacher could do just fine.

Whose fault is that?

Donā€™t give him ā– ā– ā– ā–  for that. People have lives.

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