Vote on Niarja

It’s times like this. in threads like this, that there are suddenly a hundred names that are rarely, if ever seen posting.

I can see cheating in the game. But seriously guys, cheating to “win” the forum? So lame.


There were some FCs that ran a fleet for 17 hours straight. Negating what they sacrificed would be enraging. There were other FCs that put in a lot of work on both sides, but some pro-trig FCs and fleets put in a lot more time and effort. The system was at a time heading towards an Edencom victory, but pro-trig forces were able to rally. If enough people who wanted an Edencom victory put in as much effort as some of the pro-trig guys, it would have been an Edencom victory.


Very salty mate. We’re not at all ‘Trolls and Pirates’. Stating such is blatantly a lie and I bet my left nut that CCP has metrics to disprove your assertion.


All is as it should be. Dazh liminality progresses.

I am happy to have played a (minor) part in liberating this system from CONCORD and the Empire. With the additional conquests of Ahtila and Tunudan, the future is looking bright, particularly in regard to the growing unrest in the Caldari State. Let the megas crumple, and help Zorya annex the State into the Collective.

On a less serious note, why do so many of you people want the biggest risk during an Amarr-Jita trip to be (let’s be honest, barely present) gankers? Won’t it be more fun to actually have freight arbitrage between regional markets to be a viable part of the game again? Won’t it be more fun to fill a blockade runner with Amarr valuables and trying to slip past the Niarja gatecamp to make some quick money in Jita? The short Jita-Amarr route has compressed prices for a decade and centralised everything in one system, where’s the fun in that? This isn’t WoW, I don’t want Dalaran.


I welcome our new Triglavian overlords.


The price of ore literally has not budged in Amarr. There have been no outsized purchases of either ore or minerals in Domain, which always produced FAR more ore than it consumed. Seriously, Domain typically outmines The Forge but has about 1/6 of the domestic production.

Not everyone looks up stuff on the forums constantly to talk with. I’m only here cuz it was linked to :slight_smile:

Oh really, you want to use this logic? Sacrificing tens, maybe hundereds of players days spent to get some ship that was blown up in final liminalities is ok then?


:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:


@Foggy_Bernstein It’s times like this. in threads like this, that there are suddenly a hundred names rarely, if ever seen posting.
I can see cheating in the game. But seriously guys, cheating to “win” the forum? So lame.

I was linked this thread from the Hauler’s Channel. Just because I don’t post on the forums often doesn’t mean the poll is rigged too. Cry more.
I am pro-trig but I haven’t actually been in any of the battles yet because I need Edencom standing to pass through certain systems. But I was willing to sacrifice my standings for this battle. I actually joined one of the trig fleets for a short time, but didn’t fire any shots because after looking at the situation, I felt Trigs would win without my help. I was willing to put my time where my mouth is, but a lot of other people seemed to not be up to do the same.

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We already voted on Niarja by siding with the Triglavians.


I keep trying to vote “Yes” but then it moves over and clicks on “No” instead??

CCP mind control rays???


Zorya Triglav is showing you the way to glorification

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Skybox is red,
Triangles are blue,
Zorya is bringing,
Liminality to you.


All I am saying is people put in the effort and the Trigs won. Edencom has the advantage of being in high sec so it is a lot harder to disrupt their progress. There are ways and the pro-Edencom forces were using those methods. The pro-trig players also have to spend the same amount of time to get their ships. More pro-Trig players showed up and put in the time to push it to a Trig victory. If more pro-Edencom players showed up to push the system the other way, they would have won.


No, its isnt advantage. High sec players were never a match for null entities.

CCP effectively repeated what they have done in some event years ago. Like they would feed children to the Moloch.


Yes but we have to consider the very real possibility that a lot of those “pro-trig” players were acting under the influence of CCP mind control rays.



The avalanche has begun, it is too late for the pebbles to vote~


Didn’t the players vote when when EDENCOM and Triglavians were battling over the system?


Well yeah, but they didn’t vote the way they were SUPPOSED to, so OP is graciously giving them a second chance.